Chapter 23: Hero Killer vs Burning Man

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As a kid, there was a part of the hero's stories that always scared everyone. It's normal for children to be afraid of monsters. But this monster was different. No one knows where he came from, how he got his powers, and who he is. All that's known is his alias, and the last sound his victim hears. But that's not what makes him scary.

What makes him scary is they never catch him.

The cold night air at Hosu ripped at Izumi's lungs as she stare at the Burning Man standing there with his hand on fire. There was something unnerving about this person. It may be his appearance but she could tell just by the aura this man emits, he was dangerous.

She couldn't see his face properly as it was being covered with a metallic mask, but somehow she could form the image of his creepy smile from the mask while she could only lay on the ground shakingly like a lost child. If there's a word to describe this person that stands in front of her, it's the devil.

"So you're the mysterious Burning Man that I've heard about. The one who's been cleaning every crime organization in Japan. Truly a prime candidate for a true hero. But right now, I need to finish my endeavor for today." Stain said as he's readying his sword.

He was just standing there as he stared down at the Hero Killer in silence. Soon he started to speak but his mask disguised his voice, making his voice sound demonic.

"Hero Killer Stain... stand aside as I purge this corrupt world in flames," he said while looking at him readying his flame.

"I'm afraid not, we had the same idealism as we want to cleanse this world from corruption and evil. But I can't allow you to intervene with my prey." Stain said as he steadied his posture ready for a fight.

"Then die..." he launched a vortex of flames toward all three of them.

The heat from the flame by his attack is very strong that it's making Stain have to jump forward to avoid getting burned. However, the same couldn't be said for Izumi and Iida who got caught in the crossfire.

"ARGGHHH." Izumi groans in pain as the flame managed to burn her slightly.

"IT BURNS!!" Iida yelled as he rubbed his shoulder that got caught in the fire.

Stain immediately jumped to the side of the wall, then he pulled his sword charging toward the Burning Man, readying to slash his neck only for his body to be ignited with flames and his fist is ready to make contact with Stain's face.

"He's fast," Stain thought.

By the last second, Stain managed to evade his upcoming fist and tries to attack him from behind, only for him to kick him from behind and easily knock him to the wall.

"Dammit, how did you counter my attack." Stain who saw his attack had no effect began to question him in anger.

However, he didn't get an answer as he saw him heading towards Stain with his fist readying and knocking him to the ground. Stain who was too busy recovering from the last kick wasn't ready for his next onslaught as he stumbled on the back.

"You were a lot better than I expected, but don't think I'll go down that easily," Stain pulled out his knife and swung at him.

But the Burning Man wasn't an easy target either, as he began to clash with Stain.

Stain quickly turned his attention to him, as he began to charge his way at him. The Burning Man who saw this began to use his flame to create a fire circle to create a fire ring around them, then launched a fire attack at Stain, which he managed to avoid at the last second but forced him to back up for a second.

Stain dashed toward him and aimed his knife at him, hoping to injure him but he kick the knife upward and aimed his fist covered in flame at him. Stain quickly evades the attack by jumping in the air as he launches his flame at his previous location.

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