Chapter 28 Soaring Fist

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Izumi was currently running towards the smoke on the other side of the city while trying to get there before her father arrived. She couldn't believe what just happened. The level of his stupidity has finally reached the breaking point and now he thinks he's gonna beat All Might by himself.

She combined both of her quirks to make a mad dash toward the location of the smokes. When she finally reached the location, she looked around for her explosion friend hoping that she was not too late and that those weight braces are heavy enough to slow him down.

But suddenly, a gust of wind breakthrough and she saw All Might standing destroying the entire main road of the city with one of his attacks. The shockwave created by the attack sends most of the building nearby and herself flying back. All Might menacingly walk through the dust towards his student. He looked at Izumi standing there and there was no sign of Bakugou anywhere.

"I could have sworn that I've heard one of young Bakugou's explosions coming from here. But guess he was nowhere to be found." All Might thought.

"Well young Izumi, I hope that you're not planning to run away." All Might said while stepping in her direction.

Upon seeing this, Izumi entered a battle stance and looked him in the eye. Soon, she saw him dash towards her direction and punched her so hard that the force flung her back to the other side of the road. She groaned in pain after receiving one of her father's punches. Even after spending nearly a year training with him, his punches still hurt.

She powered up her quirk up to 10 percent and use one of her techniques known as "Full Cowling" where she channel her quirk to all of her body. And quickly, she make a mad dash to where he stood and tried to land a hit.

But it proved to be fatal since he quickly went behind her and grabbed her from behind and throw her to the building. She quickly powered Full Cowling once again and landed on the rooftop of one of the buildings. But before her toes could touch the ground, she quickly looked that her father had thrown a car parked on the road in her direction.

"Catch, young Izumi." All Might said while throwing the car.

She jumped backward on the roof just seconds before the car landed at her previous location. And quickly her father jumped ahead and punch her in the gut. She promptly put her guard up, but it was too late because the punches were too quick for her eyes to keep up.

So she decided to use her telekinesis and pull herself out of there quickly. Izumi managed to dodge an oncoming attack from her father just to see the huge dent in the ground. She tried to make a mad dash toward the exit, but her father quickly cut her off. She powered up her quirk along with her telekinesis to run at the alley but her father quickly kept up with him and managed to pull her to the road.

Her back hit on the fence as she tried to get up but her father pin her body with his foot and pushed her to the ground, not allowing her to get up.

"I admire your tenacity Young Izumi, but I can't stay here much longer. I must find your partner who's been hiding." All Might told her while he readied his right hand to knock her out cold.

Izumi who saw this on the ground could only curse at herself and Katsuki for abandoning her by herself. She guesses that he used the explosion for distraction and make a runaway by himself leaving her to fail while he passed the exam. She could hear the bragging sound that comes from his mouth when she woke up at the infirmary.

When suddenly a loud booming sound enter both Izumi and All Might's eardrums. He looked in the direction of the sound and was met with the resident explosion quirk boy propelling himself in front of his face.

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