Chapter 14 Momo's Repentance

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Momo was known to be the daughter of The Yaoyorozu Family. She was smart, beautiful, full of confidence, popular, and considered to be one of the wealthiest families in Japan. Basically what any woman of her age would want to be.

She's currently the most popular girl in school and managed to sway the heart of Shoto Todoroki, who is also known as the most popular and handsome student in her school.

She always claimed herself to be intelligent, and able to solve any problem that comes her way, which is why she was declared the best student in her school right next to Izumi and Katsuki of course.

However, after what occurred on that particular day, Momo seems to be feeling lost for the first time.

She was currently walking with the rest of her friends to apologize to her friend Izuku for what they have done in the past. While internally Momo was struggling to find the word to speak to him.

There is no excuse that came to her mind for what she and her friends have done to him. Bullied him with her friends, mocking him all the time, calling him mean names, and thrashing his belongings. That's not how friends should act to each other. That's not how she should act towards him.

Flashes of memories stream towards Momo's mind as she begins to recall the interactions that they had when she was still little when Izuku and her were playing in the park and making promises to stay together no matter what. Turns out she's the one breaking those promises, not the other way around.

There was nothing she could do since it had already happened. Right now, there's only one thing that she could do, go there and apologize to him. And trying to fix their relationship no matter how long it takes.

She knows that there's no way that he would just accept her apology and things will go back to where they started. She's the one that destroyed their relationship and she's gonna rebuild it back from scratch.

They finally arrive at the alley where they saw Izuku's body being crucified by Shoto's ice just yesterday.

Momo put her hands on her mouth trying to cover her voice as she just saw her friend there hanging on the wall.

She was beyond ashamed of what she did. And the scars that come from his eye didn't justify her action either considering she's the one that gave it to him that day.

Izumi comes forward and tries to call out to him and ask sorry while crying. She wants to cry and tell him that she was sorry for betraying him like that. But he wasn't talking or moving either.

Maybe he was still sleeping and didn't wake up yet. I called out to his name trying to wake him up, but he still wasn't moving a muscle.

Katsuki decided to call out to him but he was met with a shocking and terrifying expression. He was shocked beyond belief as he just keep muttering words that she couldn't hear.

Something was wrong, Izumi tried to take a look at Katsuki's situation, and all of the sudden, she yelled at Shoto telling him to melt the ice immediately.

When the ice started to melt, Izumi immediately called out Izuku's name over and over again telling him to wake up. I began to put the pieces together and immediately rushed over to him and called out his name as well.

She took a good look at his face and tears were falling out on my face. His face is pale as a ghost and his body is cold and stiff, not because of the ice that's trapped him but because his body is losing warmth and temperature. His lips are already turning blue and losing color.

He was already broken beyond repair

She tried to call out his name as well, trying and hoping that they weren't too late. She shakes his body and brings him close to a hug but he wasn't replying to her at all. Momo and Izumi kept calling his name over and over again but he wasn't giving them any response.

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