Chapter 42 You're Next

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After what happened during the night, the whole of Japan was in a total uproar. The reporter demanded some form of explanation of whether the story was true or not, although based on the memory that was being displayed to the entire world, it was merely a formality.

The public was enraged after hearing the story of All Might's son, saying that they were at fault for neglecting his son after so long, others were blaming their daughter and her friends for partaking in the bullying and the abuse and questioning about their enrolment in UA in the first place. Others blamed the Aldera teachers and the students for allowing the bullying to happen and their lack of involvement as adults and as teachers.

People of Japan began to lose their faith in the heroes after hearing his declaration, saying that they weren't there to save people but for their selfish desire. Many of them didn't have the same enthusiasm as before when the hero shows up to rescue them in need or while circling the city for patrol. Some of them even show disgust towards them because they thought that they only tried to put on a show.

The internet exploded with the news of Izuku Yagi as many social media channels and news bloggers began to gather information regarding Izuku Yagi's previous life. They finally learned the hardship that he had to endure over the last ten years. Buzzers from across the media also spread their finding on the news, from the news of him being used as a pack mule at the school to cleaning a school toilet using his tongue.

And the worst part of it is that they can't tell whether the news is fake or not, knowing that his abuse and bullying go such extreme as suicide baiting. So the public believed in most of it. It's the most trending on the internet, since the news of All Might's debut in America.

Reporters keep swarming the Yagi household since All Might's identity has been revealed as Toshinori Yagi and they were standing in front of the house gate with reporters and cameras demanding a statement but the Yagi's rejected them saying that they weren't available at this moment.

But the one who takes the biggest backlash is the HPSC, for trying to cover up the crime in the first place, the media keep swarming in front of the building along with the quirkless community having a protest right in front of the gate protesting about the HPSC and All Might and Viridian Storm. They demanded that all of the HPSC staff including the president be thrown out of the office and faced their punishment.

After Izuku's statement, most people were immediately stopped with quirkless discrimination and insult thinking that perhaps they might have a second Izuku Yagi in the future.





In a school outside of Tokyo, there's a male student who was having an argument in class with some of the students in class. The student is roughly around the age of twelve or thirteen as he pushed the bunch of students who clearly his bullies.

"Get off of me," he said while pushing the bully to the ground.

"What's the deal man? We only tried to apologize, there's no need to be rude." one of the bullies said to him while helping their friend who was laying on the floor.

"Oh, that's rich coming from the likes of you people. Yesterday you pour milk at the top of my head in front of the cafeteria while laughing your ass off and now you're here to apologize." he clearly didn't take their apology kindly.

"What's going on?" the door was opened and a female teacher came to address the situation.

"It's Aichi ma'am, he's pushing Daiki to the floor for trying to apologize what happened for yesterday." one of the students pointed her finger at him.

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