Chapter 5 I'm Sorry

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Izumi POV

I woke up this morning with an awesome feeling in my body. It's almost like I can take on a world or something. Ever since my father revealed that he's a hero and the number one hero himself and my mom the number sixteen hero, I felt a tremendous pride flowing through my body. I'm the daughter of a symbol of peace and the top 20 heroes in Japan. Any person would be proud to have their parent as a hero. Especially All Might and Viridian Storm themself.

Not to mention that my dad is chosen me to be the next successor of his quirk, just the thought of it gives me goosebumps. It's giving me the feeling that I was born for this moment. like I was the chosen one.

I got up from my bed and decided to get ready for school. Yesterday may be the last day of school, but that doesn't mean that I can still slack off. I still need to prepare for my entry test to UA and not to mention my dad decided to put a training regiment for wielding his quirk.

After I was done taking a shower and wearing my school uniform, I'm coming downstairs to meet with my parents in the dining room. My dad is reading a newspaper while my mom is still preparing our breakfast. When I entered, my dad greet me as always.

"Hello Izumi, are you ready for your training to be the next holder of One for All?" said my father while giving a smile.

"Of course dad, I can't wait for the training. I still can't believe that I'm gonna be the next symbol of peace. I'm so excited." I said while trying to contain myself.

"Now now Izumi, I know that having your parent as the number one and sixteen heroes is so excited and it's the dream for every child, but remember you mustn't tell this to anyone when you entered UA alright?" said Inko while handing her breakfast at the table.

"Of course Mom," I said

"Alright then, let's eat, you have a big day today, and don't forget that tomorrow is your birthday." said my father.

That's right tomorrow is my birthday and for it to happen the next day after my father announces to me and my friends that he's All Might. It's like my day just keeps getting better and better every day.

However, I feel like there's something missing right now. Like something that was supposed to be here right now but it's not.

I just pushed that thought to the back of my mind and got ready for school. I grabbed my backpack and decided to just walk toward my school. After I arrive, I met with the rest of my friends in the class. As always Katsuki greet me while blushing a little, I always knew that he had a crush on me but I haven't been able to respond to his feeling yet right now. There's Katsumi and Shoka greet me cheerfully as always. Momo and Shoto were there and greet me politely as usual. It seems that Shoto decided to go after Momo all along. And there's Mina, Ochako, Iida, Tsuyu, Kirishima, Kaminari, Jirou, and the rest of my friends. But I still feel that something is still missing but I don't know what it is.

Homeroom has finally started and the teacher just does his usual roll calling, and he starts calling all of our names and all of us were present except one.

"Izuku Yagi," said the teacher.

"Izuku Yagi," asked the teacher again.

"Guess he's absent," said the teacher.

Yeah, that's right. Where is Izuku? He's not here in the class. Did he oversleep or something? Come to think of it, did I even see him today at home? He's been coming home lately and still writing down that stupid notebook of his. It's a good thing that Kacchan decided to blow up his notebook so he would stop writing that notebook. I mean doing analysis on hero and villain to be a hero. What a joke.

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