chapter 19

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"Rani!" Rajendra woke up with a start, the nurse who was drowsing beside him, jumped out of her chair in shock

"Are you alright Mr.Rajendra?" She asked while giving him water to drink

He was fine! Absolutely fine! What could happen to him? His Rani will take care of him ! Why was she not here though? How can she leave her Raja with a nurse ? Why was a nurse here?

Wait is this a hospital? What was he doing in the hospital? Where was his Rani? She is supposed to be here with him. Was he sick? If he was sick then Rani never leaves him alone...

There was a knock on the door.

Rajendra smiled! Finally Rani was here, he is going to fight with her why she was late and then ask her to compensate, he thought still smiling.

It was not Rani, it was a lady, dressed in black shirt and white trousers, wearing high black heels, her hair was open and straight and her lips were painted red, she was giving him a creepy smile. She was holding a fruit basket and some kind of blanket

Who was she ? What does she want? Where was Rani? Rani would have definitely not liked the vibe this woman was giving

She would have scrunched up her nose and had told him that "This woman was bad news" his Rani was always intuitive like that, god she will pay for not visiting him yet, he will not talk to her for one full hour!

Rajendra shook his head amused, he cannot stay angry with his Rani for 1 minute and here he was thinking of 1 hour

"You are happy to see me, Mr.Rajendra" the woman said smiling at him


"I knew you would get over her soon, she was anyways just destroying your reputation and career, you are better of without that village girl" she said her voice a low whisper

What was she talking about? Who was she?

"What are you saying Mam? I don't understand "

"Common Rajendra, no need to act anymore, your illiterate wife is dead anyway we can-"

"Shut up! Look I dont know who you are Mam, but no one talks about my Rani like that, I think there is some misunderstanding, I don't know you, so please leave now before I forget my manners" how dare she talk about his Rani like that? Doesn't she know, Rajendra can tolerate anything, but nothing against his Rani?

Instead of leaving she smiled and came closer to him, she put a her hand on his arms

What the hell was she doing? Rani was be upset if she sees this!

Rajendra shook her hand off his arm

"Please leave Mam!" He said ones again

The lady's eyes filled with anger, what was her problem seriously? How did she know his name though!

"What is wrong with you Mr.Rajendra I am Mrs.Nova! Have you took a hit on your head? What are you on about with this 'Mam'" she said with a chilly voice

My god! Was he suppose to know her? Is she a friend of Rani?

"Mam I genuinely don't know you, are you a friend of my wife?" Rajendra asked trying to be polite, he did not want Rani to be upset because he was rude to her friend, though he should have a word with her, regarding the type of friends she keep

Mrs.Nova laughed

"Oh Mr.Rajendra you are good at joking, I ? And a friend of that villager? "

Damn she keeps insulting his Rani soon he is going to lose it

He stood up from the bed, where he was sitting, he went and opened the door and gestured from his hand for her to leave, this woman did not deserve to even breath the air which his Rani breathed, he will not tolerate such kind of friends anymore.

"Seriously Mr.Rajendra?" She seemed to get angry now

"Please leave Mam, before I call for security"

"Hah! You and your double standards Mr.Rajendra, you will regret this, you have conveniently forgotten who I am ? Have you?" She snickered "you just wait and watch! " she clicked her heels as she walked passed Rajendra, what does she mean though?

"As long as my Rani is with me, I am not afraid of anything, she is my everything and please get out of her life, she doesn't deserve a friend like you" he called out after her.

She stopped and turned back, she came towards Rajendra, she had a weird smile on her face

"Don't you really remember?"

Remember what?

"You Rani... she is dead"

Enough! Rajendra slapped her across the face! How dare she?

"What nonsense you are spouting mad woman!" He raged at her

How dare she! He will kill her!

She cupped her cheek and laughed

"She drowned Mr.Rajendra while she was driving, she fell of the bridge you saw it with your own eyes" she grinned at him and left

Rajendra could hear the clicking of her heels as she walked, which grew fainter and fainter.

His head was buzzing,he held it with both hands

"She is lying! She must be lying!" He murmured to himself

"She is lying!" He shouted

People were gathering around him

"She is lying! She is lying!" But flashes were torturing his mind!

Flashes which looked like reality, flashes which was taking his life! His Rani! Away from him

"Bind him! He will hurt himself!" Someone said

"Raja!" Someone shouted

He looked up! Someone was running towards him, it was not his Rani though !



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