chapter 21

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3 days later

"Please Anjali, I beg you save my son! He has become a living corpse, he is blaming himself for everything.... and it is his fault....but please...just save him...this ones" Padmini ma was crying while folding her hands in front of her

Anjali herself could not bear it! What was Rajandra trying to prove now, she had left him, just as he had wanted, he should be happy with his Mrs.Nova, Why was he doing all this?

She could feel her mother come towards her and hug her, she had not even realised she was crying, until her mother wiped her tears.

Padmini ma was not even able to meet her eyes

Rajendra, what more does he want?

"I'll come....I'll appease his guilt so that he can live peacefully"

Rajendra was her love... afterall


"Anjali.... Anjali we are here" Padmini shook her gently making her come back to present

She could see that Padmini ma could not even look at her.

Ones they reached Dr.Suri's cabin , they were immediately let inside

Dr.Suri stood to greet them

"Doctor she is Anjali...Rani" Padmini said pointing at her

Dr.Suri looked at Anjali with wide eyes

"so you are his Rani, and you are alive!" he finally said

"Why have you left him this state?....forget it! What's more important is that you are here!
I think you should go to him, he is going crazy, he will go insane if he does not see you soon" Dr.Suri said very excited, finally his patient might be cured

"I just want to ask Doctor, what has happened to Rajendra? " Anjali asked neutrally

"According to the reports we have received he has tried to commit suicide 3 times, and now also he is not showing much will to recover, all he talks about his Rani, and how he has lost her. He is either guilty about your death or he loves you immensely... the bottom line is however he can no longer bear to live with either possibility, he needs you" Dr.Suri said, there was finally a ray of hope for his patient

"Anything else?" Anjali asked neutrally

My god! This woman was cold .... her lover is almost dying for her and she is sitting here talking so calmly.... is she worth that young man?

"Okay" Anjali got up , Padmini also got up with her

"Show me where he is"

"He is sleeping right now, due to heavy sedatives, he will get up in an hour or two, please kindly-"

"I want to see him" Anjali asserted, how dare he !? How dare Rajendra try to take his life? He did not want her fine, she had stepped back , but now this! What does he wish to prove?

"Alright... this way please" Dr.Suri showed them hospital room where Rajendra was lying and went from there

Anjali saw him through the glass partition...He was surrounded by machines, a needle was pierced in his hand, he hated needles....He had lost weight, his always looking healthy skin color has a yellowish hue, his eyes seemed sunken, his hair were messy, his lips were chapped, he had a month growth of beard atleast....... what has he done to himself?

Anjali was looking at Rajendra, her eyes staring without blinking, a tear rolled down her cheeks

What have they come to?

"Anjali I......" Padmini began  , not knowing exactly what to say? how to thank her? Thank you was such a meaningless word at times

"Its okay Padmini ma" Anjali said still looking at Rajendra her eyes not deviating even for a second, from him

There was a movement on the bed, Rajendra's eyelids moved

"Rani!" He sat up on the hospital bed





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