chapter 53

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Everything was ready, just as Rani would like, Rajendra made sure of it, he has to clear the misunderstandings between them, he has too bring the real face of that Lucky in front of her, but before that he has to make her believe him, he has to make Rani believe her Raja ones again

Rajendra knew, that it would not be easy for Rani yo forgive him, even more to trust him, afterall that snake Lucky was always there beside her in the guise of a friend, only Raja knew how he had tolerated him beside his Rani all this while, that guy who broke them up, that guy who still harbored ill intentions towards them

But he will make Rani understand, Rani will trust her Raja again, Rani will love her Raja again

Rajendra went back to their place their small house in their beloved town in a weeks time they will be heading back to the city, where he would show her all the proofs which he gathered in these three years of their separation, he will make her realise that Lucky was not as innocent as he looked

He just had to make sure that Rani trusted him, he wanted to achieve the same level of trust again, where his Rani never questioned anything he said, as long as Rajendra said it, it was true. He wanted to achieve that confidence again

Rajendra would love her, to his hearts content, he would make her his again, completely his. These three  years were like a fire trial for him, the only difference was the fire was within him, which he had himself lit, the fire which burned him everyday, slowly, until Rani had stepped back in their home, now she had to just step back into his arms, and he will make it happen

But Rajendra was in for a shock, when he entered their house, Rani was sitting on the floor, with tears running down her cheeks, her eyes red with her tears, her lips pouty and her cheeks had trails of tears

Why was she crying? For how long was she crying? Did he do something again? Did something happen when he had gone out? But Lucky would not dare to do anything now, now with the warning Rajendra had given him, some stupid will only try to act out, he rushed towards her

"My god Rani!? What happened why are you crying? Are you hurt some where? Did some one do something to you?" Rajendra said in a panicked voice, when he saw her seating on the floor with huge tears rolling down her cheeks

"Please say something Rani, I am getting scared! What happened did something happen? Was it something maa said? Was it something I said? Is it something I did?" He asked again, taking her on his lap, trying to console her, he wiped his tears, but still Rani was not saying anything

He did not know how to console her, looking at her crying like that was breaking his heart

"Rani please? Is it my fault? Please" Rajendra asked again, who was now desperate looking at his inconsolable wife

Finally Rani turned and slapped him on his chest, hard!

"Of course it is you! It is always you! It has always been you, I hate you!"

She said, with a muffled voice, hiding her face in his chest, she hugged him

What did he do now? Rajendra could not for the life of him figure out how he had offended her now? He was trying his best to make amends, where did things go wrong

"Rani I really do not know, what I did" he said in a cajoling tone

But Rani just hit him again

"It is you only, you are soo bad, I hate you!" She said still hugging him

There was something that has triggered his Rani, but he was sure she was not actually hating him, afterall this was the first time she was hugging Him like this after their separation, the first time she was complaining to him, saying he was bad, which she used to do often, it was something else, definitely

"Fine, fine I am bad, now please calm down Rani" he said slowly patting her back, when her sobs subsided into hiccups, he slowly lifted her face to look at her

"Look now, you look like a panda, what did you do to my beautiful Rani?" Which again earned him a slap on his arm, but he could see the corner of her lips lifting a little

He then wiped her tears and kissed her left cheek, then her right cheek and then her forehead, and finally kissed the tip of her nose.

"Look now, this bad guy, wiped your tears, will you smile for him now" he said, and finally he was rewarded with a small smile

He then got up, and picked her up, in his arms bridal style and he felt her arms circling his neck, affectionately and not just to balance herself. He himself could feel tears in his eyes, and his lips curved in a smile his Rani was trusting him, she voluntarily circled her arms around his neck.

He took her to their bedroom and laid her there, and sat beside her

He then covered her with a blanket and slowly started massaging her head, to calm her down, he did not know how long he sat there massaging her head, but it was the most precious feeling to him, touching his Rani, and not being shunned.

After some time, he decided to get up as he did not wanted to force himself on her, he had already done that mistake ones.

He will only stay with her when Rani wants him too, when she invites him to her bed and never without it

He slowly got up as to not disturb her sleep

But he felt a tug on his hand, he looked down to see his Rani holding his wrist in her small hand and tugging on it, as he was about to go

"Where are you going? Stay" she said in her sleepy voice

Stay, she asked him to stay


He sat back, and he felt Rani moving towards him in sleep, and she kept her head on his thighs and positioned his hand over her head, and promptly slept again

Rajendra could not stop the tear that escaped his eye lids even after his best efforts



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