chapter 24

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How can you Anjali? How can you melt as soon as you see him? Anjali was mentally  scolding herself, she was currently sitting beside Rajendra in his car, waiting to arrive at their destination

Half an hour before

As soon as Anjali had stepped out of the office building, she saw Rajendra standing there leaning on his car with a grave expression on his face. There were lines at the corner of his eyes and mouth and he had lost weight too he looked ghostly almost, still his face looked pale and sunken compared to his usual robust appearance, but his gaze was as piercing as ever, and it was directed towards her

Anjali did not want to talk to him, everything was said and done what more can be said between them, she ignored him and turned towards the sidewalk but he blocked her way, and kept blocking her way until she finally looked at him

"What do you want now?" She had asked irritated and tired


"Everything between us is already said and done, I think nothing more is left" she had said gravely, why would he not just leave her alone?

"No, we still have to talk" he had commanded

"I do not wish to talk and if you pester me anymore, I'll .... I'll leave this place forever" frankly she just wanted peace now

Finally he had moved aside in shock and Anjali had moved past him to go on her way

"Please Rani -"

"It's Anjali" she shouted turning back to look at his face. His eyes flashed hurt on her correction

"Alright.... Anjali, just one conversation that is all I ask for old times sake" he had pleaded and she had caved, may be this would provide her the closure she deserved

"We have reached Rani" he said finally after driving for around an hour

"It's Anjali" she said automatically

Anjali looked out, he had brought them to the garden with the pond, their childhood garden, the lake where they had sat together, laughed together, ate together, cried together

All the memories flashed in her mind. What was he trying to do?

He stood in front of her, his head bent down, his body was strung like a tight coil, his hands were closed into fists tightly.

"Why did you leave me Rani?" He asked still looking down at the ground

Did he really ask that ? How could he?"You are really asking me this? I think this whole conversation has no point it is better I leave" she said angrily

But he held her wrists not letting her go, still not looking at her

"You can't leave until you tell me the truth! Why are you leaving me?" He said

"Leave me this instant!" She said struggling

"Is it because of that bastard Laxman, you always cared for him didn't you?" He said

How dare he!? Anjali lost her cool then

"You Rajendra have no right to speak about my matters anymore!, it was you who cheated on me! With Mrs.Nova! It was you who forgot even our friendship let alone our love! It was you who started to change! And changed to the point where it did not matter whether I was smiling or crying, all you cared about was your happiness, your ambition, your profit! Where was I Ranjendra? Nowhere!" She burst out, those feelings which she had buried deep inside her, had finally come out, she could not hold them in anymore, how could he doubt her relationship with Lucky, who was just a friend, a friend who always stood by her side, even when she had broken his heart to be with Rajendra, and Raja who was her dearest friend, the friend who had eventually become her love, was no longer alive in the person standing before her.

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