chapter 40

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Rajendra could feel the pain exploding in his body, the impact of the truck which rammed into him, though he was able to save himself, but still his rib cage was protesting in pure agony

Where was his Rani though? His Rani, the one he was trying to protect, he still remembered the raw fear which had consumed him, when he had seen the truck coming towards his Rani, the truck was honking, He was shouting at her to get away from the way, the people were telling her to get away from the way, but she was not listening, or rather she did not want to listen. She was walking straight into the truck's way as if she wanted to be hit by it

Rajendra had ran to save her, and he was able to push her right at the moment when the truck was going to hit her, he was successful too, but he had got hit, by the truck, if the pain shooting in his body was any indication

He still got up, where was Rani?
There were people standing near a ditch, he walked towards it

He could hear people muttering

"That guy is bleeding, look at him"

"He pushed the woman out of the way on time, but he got hit instead"

"But the woman landed in a ditch, she is hurt too and unconscious"


Rajendra immediately knew who they were talking about and without thinking he jumped in the ditch to save his Rani

The pain exploded again, he could feel blood trickle down his temple, and there were bruises all over his body

But, he only wanted to save his Rani, he could see her lying there down, in the ditch, she was unconscious

If something happened to her than, there was no point of his worthless life anyway, if Raja cannot live with his Rani, he may as well die with her

What was a man without his wish, a body without soul, she was his hope, if she is not there what would he do living?

He crawled towards her, his eyes fixed on his Rani

"Rani! Rani" he called for her, he patted his cheeks, but no reply, he was afraid to even listen for her heartbeats, because Rajendra knew that if Rani ever left this world his world will end, and he might even destroy each and everyone who was responsible for this

That Laxman, and Mrs.Nova were on his hit list and then he would join his Rani, in heaven after atoning for his sins in hell first

"Raj...a" he heard her voice then,she was alive! Her face was covered in mud and his was covered in tears

"I won't let anything to happen to you My Rani!, just trust me, you will live!" He said, with determination

He wiped his tears and kissed his forehead, and then he held the rope, which was thrown by the people who were standing at the edge of the ditch

He held it tightly, with one hand and with the other he held his Rani to his chest

They were pulled up, and an ambulance was called


When Anjali woke up she was in a hospital, her head was aching, she touched her head with her hand she could feel it was bandaged, she had aches in her body but overall she felt fine, her hands and legs were okay

All she remembered was pain before she passed out and then a grief stricken face of Raja, with tears flowing down his cheeks

She slowly got up from the hospital bed when a nurse came inside

"How are you feeling dear? She asked with a kind smile" she looked in her forties and was looking at her with a fond expression

"I am fine" Anjali replied with a small smile of her own

"I'll just quickly change your bandages" she said and  Anjali nodded

"I must say dear you are one lucky girl," she said again, with the same gentle tone

Anjali had no idea what and why she was saying, but before she could ask, the nurse continued

"Your husband must love you dearly, he is in such critical condition, trying to save you, his back is cut into ribbons, his hands has deep cuts and bruises, his temple has a large wound and his two ribs are broken when he pulled you through that ditch but the first thing he said the moment he opened his eyes, was, whether his Rani was doing fine?" She said in an emotional tone

While Anjali just felt numb, tears were streaming down her cheeks, but she still could not understand why he did that, why did he hurt himself so badly for her

Anjali knew that he was trying to win her back, but at his own cost?

"I want to meet him" Anjali said, wiping her tears, she got up

"It is not advisable dear, you need rest too," the nurse said

"I want to see him" Anjali said again

The nurse sighed

"You remind me of myself and my late husband, who were ready to die and kill for each other, I have also seen this same look into your husband's eyes, so I won't stop you, but I'll assist you"
She said with the same kindness

The nurse guided Anjali towards the room, where Rajendra was lying

His eyes were closed, but looking at him, made Anjali sob

He was covered in various bandages, with blood stains, his face had scraped and a huge scar ran down his right cheek

It seemed as if he has been broken and then reassembled

"Don't cry dear, he would not want you to cry, he did everything to save you, to keep you out of harms way"

Anjali never wanted to see him, in such condition

She entered his room and sat beside his bed and wiped her tears

She petted his head, and then she cupped his right cheek, where the scar ran from his brow to his chin

"Why Raja? If you loved me soo much why did you do that? Why did you made me feel so cheap and insecure?  Why did you disrespect me by forcing me? Why did you let others come between us? Why was I not enough?"
Anjali said sobbing

"You were all I ever wanted Rani" she heard Raja say, his eyes were opened and they were filled with tears, he was look at her with an undefined emotion as if he was wary of her leaving and never returning



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