chapter 10

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Its been almost 6 months of Anjali and Rajendra's marriage, yes almost six months, because this weekend was their wedding anniversary, she was soo excited , she was sure her Raja would do something special for her .
Well he would not be the only one
She had also planned soo much for him , Anjali hoped he could just take holiday , which  she was sure he will, it was their anniversary afterall!

He had gone to office so in the meantime she should go out and buy some stuff for celebration

She quickly went to the mall and bought balloons , candles , ordered cake and flowers and stuff

Then she went to fossils and quickly bought him a watch, from her money which she had saved

For other things Raja has given her his card

She went home and quickly cooked food for him , she was waiting for him and by 10 pm he finally strolled in

Anjali went to him and kissed him to greet him

He looked at her with a little shocked and amused expression

"So are you pregnant ?" he asked with a sly smile

and now it was my turn to be shocked

"What nono ...nono...noono"


"I understood Anjali , no need to be soo shocked" he said chuckling

"I was just teasing you" and he hugged his Rani

They had their food , and as usual she asked about his day

Then as usualy he kissed her while they were lying on bed he always kissed her goodnight .

She thought now was the appropriate time Anjali should ask him about her job

"Raja , I was thinking " i started slowly playing with his fingers

"yes Rani" he asked while kissing her fingers

"I was thinking that , since you have finally got your company and your dream project and , and you have been soo busy lately and I dont wanna disturb you , I was thinking may be I'll find a job? " Anjali finally finished her monologue and Rajandra had frozen , she looked at him to gauge his reaction

But instead of giving her a straight answer he kissed her

and began peppering kisses all over her neck

"Raja what are you doing?" She asked try to put some distance between us

"I am kissing my wife what else" he said and again start kissing her

He was about to remove Anjali's top ,when she held his hand firmly

"Raja stop!"

"Why Rani ! I know what this is about you are trying to make me feel quilty , about not giving you time , how much more time you want ? and now when i am loving you, you are stopping me !"

She could not believe him ! how can he even think that!

"Its not about you Raja ! its about me , I wanna become something"

"You have , you have become my wife" he said as if he was explaining to a kid

Anjali wanted to yell in  frustration , how should she explain him !

"Raja I always wanted to become a fashion designer , I have saved little money and my father has also left me little money , I want to do masters, I-"

"So you are trying to show me your money , tell me dont i give you everything you ask for ? who am I working for ? You are not happy with what I can provide " he shouted

"You are not understanding Raja!" She said when tears finally fell from her eyes

"Great! now you cry and make me feel guilty ! you know what , you are not the Rani i knew anymore , you have become selfish !" he said and left from there in anger taking his pillow with him

If only you understood Raja its was not me but you who changed, she thought, slowly wiping her tears



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