chapter 31

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"Anjali you have got a notice" Rekha yelled, ones Anjali had picked her phone

"What notice are you talking about mom?" Anjali said keeping the phone little away from her ear

"Legal Notice" she said again in an agitated voice

"What?" Anjali was shocked, now whose murder did she commit to get a legal notice?

Anjali was at her work like everyday after that harassing interview and now this? What happened to her peaceful life?

"I'll come home mom" she said and cut the phone. She will have to take a half day today

As she reached her house her mind ran with a thousand possibilities, what could it be? What could she have possibly done to get a legal notice?

As she reached her house her mom was waiting for her with an envelope in hand

Anjali opened it carefully, quite afraid of its contents. After reading it carefully she immediately left her house in anger!


"Mr.Rajendra you have a meeting at 11am with Ms.Gomti and then a private lunch with Mr.Shah of SV group at 2pm and then a late dinner meeting with Mr.Scott at 10pm" Rajini was telling Rajendra his schedule as always in the morning but he was hardly paying attention he did not want to work today he had big plans for today and it did not include meeting anyone

"Cancel all my meetings after 2pm"
He said

"But sir you have been chasing after Mr.Shah for soo long now and he has finally agreed to meet" Rajini insisted

"I don't care I am confident in our product if he wants to invest he will have to wait, I have already sent him a soft copy of our proposal"

"But sir-"

"Cancel all meetings Rajini"

"Yes sir" and she left

Rajendra sat back and leaned his head on the back rest and closed his eyes

What had he done?

Will it affect their relation more?

But what other option he had that Laxman was always dancing around his Rani and he hated him, he hated him with a passion. He was afriad , afraid that if he did not take any step now he would lose her forever and then what would he do? She was his everything

Rajendra knew he had caused irreparable damage, soo much damage that he should not even think of getting her back, but he tried that and he was not able to let her go.

He cannot tolerate his life without her. And he cannot see her with someone else. She was his!

"Mr.Rajendra your meeting is on schedule" Rajini disturbed him from his dark thoughts and he went for the meeting


The meeting was a success , as he had expected they were fine with the conditions laid out by him and the negotiations went pretty smoothly.

"Mr.Rajendra, Mrs.Nova is here to see you" Rajini informed him

She had a sour expression on his face

Rajendra had just sat at his desk to relax but now this

"Tell her I don't have time, I was very clear the last time we met! And more than that how dare she -"

"I dare to Raja!" Mrs.Nova had already let herself in, in his cabin.

What did she want now?

Rajendra got up from his seat and came around the table , he leaned on his desk and crossed his arms over his chest.

"No need to look so defensive Rajendra, we had an understanding, didn't we?"

"No! Mrs. Nova an understanding is based on honesty and one cannot expect that from you, you may leave now, I don't want a lady to be dragged away" he growled

How dare this woman show her face again!

"Don't pine the whole blame on me Rajendra, as if you were defenseless and a puppy boy who was not aware of his actions, you are a man who got swayed like most do! You are no exception, and now you want to blame all your problems on me again like most men do, I expected better from you" she said with a smirk

Rajendra was speechless for a moment, what could he say, he knew she was right to some extent, but was his love for his Rani that weak? Was he really swayed? Was it his fault where his marriage has come now?
Did he even deserve forgiveness?

"Look I am trying to mend my marriage right now , so please just don't cause any more problems for me, I am sorry if I have hurt you in any way or gave you any hopes, but that was never my intention, in this life or any other after this Raja will only be his Rani's " Rajendra said

He could not afford to make any more mistakes. He was already suffering without his Rani, it would not help him to instigate Mrs.Nova right now, and may be she was right it was his fault as well, he was not a school boy who should have been soo easy to influence

"Wow! What a party we have here, My ex-husband and his former mistress, and now the prodigal wife has also returned, why don't we all pick a bone, it is overdue don't you think?"




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