chapter 45

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Anjali stood outside, the temple, near the staircase which would lead her to the main temple premises, where the idol was placed, waiting for Rajendra he had gone to buy some flowers and coconut to offer to the deity.

"Rani" she turned hearing a familiar voice

Lucky was standing there, with a basket with flowers and wicks and coconut

"How are you Rani?" He asked

Where was he all this time? Why did he not come to meet her and Rajendra? There were his friends and after that accident he should have definitely come, especially with how badly they had been hurt, he was their childhood friend afterall

"Lucky, what are you doing here? And where have you been all this time?" She asked

Laxman was quiet for sometime, as if he did not want to respond. He seemed uncomfortable even

"Lucky?" Anjali asked again

"I...I actually, I come here everyday since that accident Anjali, you were soo badly hurt, and all I could do was pray for you as Rajendra would not let me come visit you" he said

What? Did Rajendra really bar Lucky from visiting her? Why would he? Was he still upset about Lucky? But he had not even shown proofs for his claims

"Anjali, I do not want to say this but please be careful of Rajendra, you know how obsessed he is with you, right? He is taking care of you now, but are you sure you can trust him, I mean how conveniently he saved both of you'll with an accident of that scale..... I am not saying that he did it on purpose though, anyways what nonsense I am talking, I will just go and offer my prayers, before Rajendra comes, he will not like it , if he sees me beside you, you know how he can be possessive and violent" Lucky said , and he left from there in a hurry

What the hell was that?

"Rani!" Rajendra called her, he was standing there with a basket of things to be offered to deity, looking at her with a confused expression

"Lets go" he Said

He tried to hold her hand with his free hand, and she backed away

What happened with her? Rajendra thought, he was hurt with her actions, he thought everything was looking positive, they even laughed together like old times but then suddenly she was again rebuffing him

Ones they entered the temple premises they offered their basket to the priest and he gave them the basket back after offering to the deity

Anjali seemed lost in her thoughts

They were sitting side by side inside the temple and Rajendra could not bear this any longer

"What happened Rani, you seem disturbed since the moment I came back" Rajendra asked

"Rajendra" Anjali said, she took a deep breadth as if she was preparing herself for something

"I have questions and you have not answered any of them" she said

Rajendra knew this was coming, but why now and in a temple at that

"What is it you want to know, I'll tell you whatever you wish to know" he said, calmly, may be it was for the best they had to clear a lot of things and Anjali might have selected this place as it would help her understand things better as she was always very spiritual

"What exactly happened with Mrs.Nova, Raja, we were happy were we not, how did she come in between us?" Anjali asked

Rajendra braced himself, he knew he would have to answer her some day but not so soon when he had yet to win her trust, what if she did not believe him? What if she thought he was making up excuses?

"Rajendra?" Anjali saw the shift in his expression from concerned to pensive

But it was necessary, she was not able to forgive him or to believe him, with soo many unanswered questions between them

"Do you remember Rani, when we had come here to seek blessings after our marriage and I was starting AR Enterprise, I had, had enough capital for the initial phase also banks had agreed to grant me loans, impressed with my business proposal, but then after a year, issues started springing up, suddenly, banks were threatening to pull back the support if I cannot find them a guarantor and I had requirements of additional capital, Smith Nova was a big name in market, he always gave loans and guarantees if he thought the proposal was promising, and A friend had recommended him to me, so I had approached him, but he had felt that the proposal lacked depth but Mrs. Ashley Nova his wife who was twenty years younger than him had convinced him that my project looked promising and he should vouch for me. Initially I had thought she had genuinely seen my potential but-"  Rajendra had stopped talking

"But what Raja?" Anjali asked, she was sure he was hiding something and now was contemplating whether he should tell her everything

"Rajendra be completely honest with me, for us this might be the last chance"

He took a deep breadth
"At first she was just nice to me, she even came with me to the banks to offer her personal guarantee on behalf of her husband, and she always told me that you were a sweetheart whenever I mentioned you to her, she also offered to help you dress up and become more confident, and she told me that you need to become more confident and fashion savvy to stay beside me or people will make fun of you, do you remember that party Rani, people were talking behind your back, and I like an idiot instead of standing beside you, demoralized you"

Anjali could see the guilt in his eyes, and his eyes had turned glassy

"She then told me how you did not care about me as you had gone to meet Laxman without informing me and how you may leave me as I was always busy trying to build the business, and that you were soo beautiful that many people might covet you, which is true, you are too good for me, I know that, and that the only way to keep you by my side, was to keep you interested in me, that is if you thought some other woman is interested in me....... I know, I know, it was childish and stupid but-"

Anjali knew what he was saying, but it still did not justify what she had witnessed, she cut him off

"Rajendra, what had happened in your office?"



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