chapter 11

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Today was the day of wedding anniversary, of Rajandra and Anjali finally , Raja and Anjali would spend some time together , and they will work on their marriage

Anjali cannot give up on her Raja , he might be rude because of work stress , but she knew he will feel bad that she cried because of him and that he shouted at her , she was sure he will be devising plans to maker her smile again and apologize in his own arrogant way, she smiled thinking about her Raja, why was she only thing bad things, her Raja loved her and no one else could ever lover her like him.

so she cooked his favourite breakfast as he was sleeping.

She quickly arranged everything on dining table and then went to the room to wake him up

She swept his hair back and then gently kissed his forehead

"good morning " I murmured

Then i kissed his cheeks


He slowly woke up , He looked up and smiled at her

"my Rani" he murmured slowly and kissed her softly

She thought he remembered their anniversary, and will quit being angry

but then when he looked at her slowly his face changed

His smile was turned into a stoic expression and then he got up from bed and went to the washroom without looking back

She did not get discouraged

She went downstairs after removing his clothes for today and waited for him at dining table

He came down dressed in a blue shirt when she remembered she had kept a green shirt for him

May be he did not see , its okay .

He looked at the food she prepared , she could see the smile in his eyes

He sat for breakfast , and she was glad he enjoyed. He will definitely surprise her in the evening, Her Raja always liked to tease her

After breakfast he was about to leave 

"Come early today" she said in a soft voice , he looked at her and raised his eyebrow , as if in question

Fine if he wants her to say it!

"It is our 6 month anniversary " Anjali said with a slight blush

He smirked and nodded .

She was startled when he lifted her head and kissed her softly on lips , eyes and forehead

"Happy anniversary Rani" he said with a grin and left

She was little sad and disappointed, he did not remember that it was their six month anniversary, Soo what if he doesnt remember , she would make it memorable for them

She started to cook all his favourite dishes

The delivery came of the things she had ordered.

She felt little weird that why did he not ask her about the amount of shopping she did , but may he trusts her , what may be , ofcourse he trust her !

She quickly organized the whole house , put up all the decorations , arranged the dining table .

And then she went to get ready , she got ready in his favourite color , that to saree as he loved to see her in sarees

and then she went downstairs to wait for him

Its 7pm he might come any moment now

She waited for another hour still no sign of him

She hopep he doesnt do the same thing as he did for their trip

another hour passed , Anjali waited

She did not know how long she waited , but she might have slept because she woke up when she felt a hand caressing her head

Rajandra looked guilty as he was standing in front of her

She lost it

"it is our anniversary Raja , our Anniversary " Anjali said and left from there

She just could not look at his face now , she quickly packed a small bag and moved to another room .

She didn't know how long she cried but eventually she fell asleep.

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