chapter 14

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Anjali had become a shell of her former self, from past two months she was trying to come to terms to the reality of her life, she had forgot to smile, she had become lifeless, she just got up, and slept as if on auto mode, she had lost weight tremendously, she had lost her will to live.

Was this worth it?She had loved Raja more than life itself and now her life was not hers anymore

Raja had not come even ones to check on her, in fact he had stopped coming home altogether after that night

She would see him at times in morning, but nothing more, at times she thought was everything a dream, their childhood, their dreams, their marriage, Her Raja, who had loved her madly,deeply and irrevocably.

She was existing somehow

She was sitting in her room, as now they had separate rooms, she was staring at the wall, she used always stare at the walls, the white walls were her screen where she would picturize their childhood memories, her mom, her dad, padmini aunty and rohit uncle and...Raja her Raja, Raja who loved her, loved her beyond words

She heard someone clear their throat, as she looked up, there he was, leaning by the door of her room

She stared at him blankly

He looked at her, his eyes held something again, somethings he wanted to say but cannot

"Tonight there is a party, be ready by 7 pm" he said, and left from there, without hearing her reply

Anjali stared after him, it would be better if she did not attend the party, she had no will to mingle with guests, they might understand everything is not all hunky dory between them. But he has specially come to tell her about it, it might be very important for him. What should she do?

At the end she still got ready in a pale red saree and applied make up to hide her dark circles.

She could hear a mocking voice in her head

What was she trying to achieve getting all dolled up, this was not the Raja who loved to see her in red, the one who would compliment her, the one who would love her

She wiped the lone tear that escaped her eyes, and held her head high as she descended from the stairs

Rajandra was already at the party he was dancing with mrs. Nova , he was holding her very close. She was wearing a black gown, with a thigh high slit and killer red heels

When Rajandra saw Anjali standing there, he came towards her, she thought he got concerned but no, he was angry

"you want my colleagues to think i torture you, with this your sad face, go upstairs now!"he shouted at Her

"but Raja, it is our home shouldn't i act as hostess? " Anjali asked sadly, wasn't he the one who wanted her to attend this party

"I dont need you Anjali, you keep on spoiling my parties in some way or another, you do not even have dressing sense! Go from here now, don't spoil this party too"

What? Why did he tell me to come then?

"Why did you ask me to come then Raja?" She asked him

"Fine! My fault! Happy! Now please go you are embarrassing me" he said looking at her from top to bottom

Anjali was stunned

That is when mrs. Nova came and wrapped her arms around Raja and he did the same and when Anjali looked at him angrily, he pulled her in even closer and she just smirked at me arrogantly.

Anjali went upto her room, and slept, her eyes were dry, but her heart bled.

Anjali could not remember when she slept, but as morning came, she took a decision! She had, had enough of this! She did not deserve this disrespect !she may love Raja more than anything but it seemed that love has been lost somewhere, as the Raja she loved was a simple man who loved her, not this man, who would humiliate her, hurt her, force her

She gave too many chances in the past year, got hurt too many times both physically and mentally all in the hope that her raja would love her like he used to, that he still cared for her, and that man is just buried somewhere because of the work pressure and she could bring him back with patience and love. Her Raja!but there comes a point where you cannot lie anymore, not to yourself even

With this decision made, she left everything gifted by Raja to her ever except the wooden bracelet which was his only true gift to her. His gift to his Rani, when he was Raja of her heart.

She wrote a note for him and sat in the car.

Anjali did not know what happened, but she wanted to see him, just once before she left, just to know he was content, just to memorize his face before .......

Why was she soo weak when it comes to him?

She drove to his office and gave the keys to the valet  to park, the watchman saluted her


She acknowledged his greeting and went inside his office. This was the first time she had come here, Raja always promised her to bring her here, to give her a tour of her kingdom he used to say jokingly, she could feel emotions well up inside her,but she curbed them, determined to see him, just one last time, she would not fight with him, she would just look at him ones, just hear his voice ones, just touch him ones, just ones...

His office was all glass and polish

Anjali saw his secretary sitting at her desk

She greeted Anjali and Anjali just nodded at her

"Is Raja in his office?" Anjali asked her

"Yes Madam, but he is with Mrs.Nova they are having a meeting, mam has instructed that no one disturbs them" she said politely

"It does not matter, this might be the last time, I am disturbing him anyways" Anjali said giving her a sad smile

The secretary looked confused but did not say anything

Anjali opened Rajandra's office door

And there was Raja with a shocked expression sitting on his chair with a partially dressed mrs. Nova sitting on him

Anjali did not know how long she stood there shocked

"Rani" Raja uttered

His voice broke her trans and she ran from there. Anjali could hear Raja calling  her from behind, he cheated on her,her Raja! He cheated on his Rani! Raja cheated on his Rani!

She just could not handle the betrayal anymore

"Rani please stop" she could hear Raja calling from behind her

The more his voice grew nearer the faster she ran

She somehow got in car and when she started driving, she could hear Raja still calling her from somewhere .

May be she should listen to him, a sane thought entered her mind

But before she could do something about it mrs. Nova pulled him inside and he went willingly

today Raja broke her completely, you broke your Rani, he broke the little hope she had, he broke the trust she had left, he made her feel helpless and she will never forgive him!

She could hear horns, behind her, a car was following her, she did not care, it would have been better if she had not gone to see him, it would have been better if she had not married him, it would have been better if he would not have been in her child-... No! Those were the untarnished memories, memories of Raja and Rani, she could never wish for them to not have happened

Anjali could not see properly, since her vision was getting blurred due to constant tears , she was driving on high speed, without any aim

And then she lost her grip and balance and next , her car was tumbling of the bridge.

Her last thought before she lost her conscious was

i had loved you Raja, soo much!



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