chapter 23

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He forgives me?

How dare he?

Anjali was shocked and angry

She could not believe how conveniently he had pushed everything on her....

"ENOUGH!" She shouted and pushed him away from her

Rajendra lost his balance for a second before he gained his footing again, he was looking at her perplexed, and hurt, as if she had hurt him greatly

The doctor came running inside

"Mam please be gentle, he is not well" the doctor rebuked her

"Rani what.... is wrong?" Rajendra asked finally

What was she suppose to say?

How he had hurt her? How he had cheated on her? How he had made her almost wanted to die? How he had trampled on her self-respect? How he had broken her trust? How still looking at him she relieved their good memories immediately followed by his change?

"I want a divorce" she said finally

His face crumpled in pain and disbelief and then he ....... fainted.

"Rajendra!" His mother and doctor, immediately came to his aid

Anjali just stood there, not moving, not knowing what to do.

Someone had guided her towards a seat and she sat there, while the doctors took care of Rajendra.

She had no idea how long she sat there but night fell, it was dark outside. Someone came and sat beside her

The doctor was looking at her without blinking without saying anything

He just sat there with her for a long period of time or was it just five minutes

"I think you should leave mam" he said finally

"Will he be alright?" She asked, she did not know if she could bear anything else


Anjali got up and left

A month later

"Anjali where are you going?" Her mother Rekha asked her

Anjali had dressed up in a light blue kurti and jeans and had her bag with her, she had combed her hair in a neat plait and was looking mechanical

The same way she often looked nowadays

"I have an interview today, I have applied for a job as an accountant" she replied

"When? You never told me anything about it" Rekha said

She was worried for her daughter, her always happy Anjali has forgotten how to smile.

"I didn't? It might have slipped my mind" she said

"Wait Anjali but-"

But she was already out of the house .

Laxman saw her coming out of the house and was shocked.

"Where are you going?" He asked her, Anjali had stopped going out since she had met that idiot Rajendra in the hospital.

She would barely speak and only answer in monosyllables, she did not even look at anyone until called upon few times

"I have a job interview" she said

She has a job interview? Why did she not tell him beforehand, he would have dropped her, if not for the coincidence today he would have had missed her completely

"Why did you not tell me? Come I'll drop you, on the way you can tell me all about it " Lucky said opening the car door for her

"No Lucky it's fine I'll go on my own, I'll tell you about it after I come back" Anjali said

"I'll drop you Anjali it's not a big deal" He said with a smile

"It's a big deal for me Lucky, I want to do....something on my own" she said and left from there

While Laxman just saw her retreating back with a melancholic smile

What have you done to her Raja?


"Ms.Anjali they have called you in now" the lady sitting at the desk said

Anjali knocked and entered the cabin

"Please sit Ms.Anjali" the interviwer indicated the chair to her

"Ms. Rani as we can see you have graduated in 2020, now is 2022 what was the reason for your two year break?" He asked

Mr. Samuel, it was written on the name plate

"Due to some personal reasons , sir "

He just looked at her expressionless

Anjali knew she had many drawbacks, she was late in the competitive world. She had no work experience to recommend her. She had probably outdated view of the workfield

"Why do you want the job?" He asked

"I want to become something" she replied

"Why should we hire you? as you know you have little to offer to our company " he said, still poker face

"I will not leave the company, as you know I don't have much opportunities" Anjali replied

"You are hired, you can come to work from tomorrow,  work timings are 10-6, you can discuss your salary with HR tomorrow, you may leave now" he said

Anjali left his office and went to the ladies washroom, she splashed her face with water,  again and again.

She got the job! For the first time in a long time, she felt something, beside the all consuming numbness

She left the office building, she should tell her mother about her job, she would be happy, maybe, but as right in front of the office building

Raj...endra was standing in front of her, leaning on his car looking directly at her



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