chapter 59

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Rajendra knew something was wrong, the moment, he entered that blasted auto, every fibre of his being was protesting to not leave his Rani alone, but like an idiot he did, and went with four ugly looking men, all of them were looking at Rajendra in a weird way.

They were looking at each other and then at Rajendra, and then again at each other, their eyes were red and their lips were shifty.

What the hell was happening?

Whatever it was, but something did not sit right, he has to do something, he has to go back, was his Rani alright?

"Brother, please take me back to the location we came from, I have some work there" Rajendra said to the driver, of the auto rickshaw, but the guy did not listen in fact he increased the speed of the auto

"Brother I am talking to you, or you can just stop the auto I will get down here only, I need to go back it is urgent" Rajendra said again, but again he was ignored

"I am saying to stop the blasted vehicle, can you not understand!" Finally he shouted, he was getting this ominous feeling and it was augmenting by the second.

"Shut this bastard up, he is annoying me now" the driver finally said

And Rajendra could see the weapons in the hands of the people sitting at the back seat, they had knives and guns and were pointing them at him

Rajendra gulped, what the hell?

"Now, be quite like a good boy, if you want to live for few more minutes" the driver threatened, and all Rajendra could think was

It was a bloody set up, and was Rani alright? What had happened to her? And finally, he is going to give that Laxman a slow painful death if he had hurt Rani in anyway.


Anjali was praying for the time to go slow, she knew nothing would happen to Raja, how stupid had she been, she had trusted her friend, she had distanced herself from her husband, and this is where she had landed

But more importantly, why had Raja had behaved soo?

Why had he..-

"Ahh my Bride" Lucky had entered the room, where she was captive

"You know Rani, I had hated this name, Rani, because he had given you this name, and you were soo proud to show it off to anyone and everyone,  but then slowly it became your identity, everyone started calling you Rani, and that bastard hated it when I called you Rani, and I loved it how agitated he was every time I called you Rani" Lucky mocked

Anjali did not say anthing, he was a psycho, and Anjali did not want to say anything or do anything which would instigate him, she was just waiting for a chance to escape, to go back to her Raja

"Rani, Rani say something please!, we are going to be husband and wife tonight after all, all the arrangements are done, all we need now, is you to get ready beautifully,  which you already are, and please for gods sake, do something about your expression, if you look like that, I'll have to do something to make you smile now, right? ...fine I'll tell you a good news, by now Rajendra must be dead, my Assassin's might have killed him by now and fed his remains to the crows,  now be a good girl and do what I say okay or do you want Rekha Maa and Padmini Maa to also suffer" he said with a smirk

Anjali could not control her tears, he was lying nothing could happen to Raja, he had promised her, he had promised her that he was going to stay with her this time, this time, they would live happily ever after.

"Why, why are you doing this? What had Raja ever done to you? Why Lucky? We were friends, all of us were" Anjali said, Raja will come for her, she knew it, all she had to do was buy time, buy time till he comes

"Friends? I was never you friend,  you and Rajendra did not need anyone, and whenever I used to come close to you, that bastard used to threaten me, he would not let you play with anyone but him! He freaking even made that stupid business for you, but do you know Rani, that was my business, I was suppose to be the king, he overtook that business, and now what I have to do a bloody job, to live, he took what was mine Rani, and I will take what is his" Laxman said, and was about to go

But Anjali could not keep quite anymore

"Wow Lucky, you are a bloody coward, since you could not defeat Raja in anything, you are putting the blame on him only, and I am not anyone's property Lucky, you are a bloody sissy, who could not fight My Raja like a man, and hence have come down to such cheap tricks, you were weak, are weak and will remain weak, you never had the guts to fight My Raja head on, My Raja-"

And he shattered a pot kept on the desk, silencing Anjali

He then marched towards Anjali, and held her jaw tightly, with his fingers

"Ones more you say my Raja, in front of me, I will kill your dear mother and mother-in-law, I will just have to make a call" he said, his eyes red with anger, he then pushed her away

He then opened the door, and two women were standing there

"Get her ready in one hour we are preponing the wedding" he said and left, while Anjali sat there crying

Where were you Raja?



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