chapter 32

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"Rani!" Rajendra walked towards her as his eyes lit up the moment he saw her, but this scenario was not conducive to happy reunions. In fact it was the most uncomfortable scenario.

Anjali held up her hand to stop him before he reached her, his eyes dimmed a little, ahh whatever

"Oh hi, Rani was it?" Mrs. Nova greeted her with a fake bright smile

"Oh Hi, the cheater, was it?" Anjali greeted back with an equally bright smile

"Now if you don't mind I would like to discuss something personal with Mr. Rajendra here" Anjali said while showing the door to Mrs.Nova

She could see how Mrs.Nova's eyes were burning with anger as she had disturbed their little lovers reunion, but Anjali just wanted to get everything over and be left alone.

"Shouldn't you leave us alone Rani!" She said with a smirk

"Oh I would love too, but unfortunately I am still the wife and you are the other woman, don't worry I am trying to remedy that though" Anjali said with an equally savage smirk

"Mrs.Nova leave us alone! My wife has come to me after soo long, soo please leave!" Rajendra said finally

She first looked at Rajendra and then at Anjali and finally left

The moment the door closed behind her, Anjali rounded on Rajendra

"What is the meaning of this?" She said as she slapped the court notice at his desk

Rajendra looked at it ones and then calmly went and sat on his chair

"Please have a seat Rani, what would you like tea, coffee?" He asked

Has he gone mad ? Or meeting his lover has clouded his judgment

"Stop playing the fool Rajendra and just answer me, what silly game are you playing now?" Anjali was beyond pissed, she had to leave her job because of this silly notice and there the culprit was sitting calmly, after having a cozy time with his lover and then offering her tea and coffee? Could he be more shameless?

"Rani don't behave like a shrew and sit calmly as we discuss this like adults" he said while gesturing towards the chair across his desk

She needed to calm down or she might actually strike the man, the nerve of him! She took a deep breadth

"I am leaving" she said and turned to do just that

"I expect you to be back at our home by this week" he called after her, this made her stop in her tracks

"What do you mean?" She asked

"I am pretty sure you read the notice it says, I demand you to fulfil your wifely duties which you have been neglecting for the past three years and come back to our matrimonial home"

"Wifely duties? What a joke " she scoffed, was Rajendra being funny right now, sadly she did not find it the least bit amusing

"Look Rajendra be reasonable, we have mutually parted our ways three years back and I had handed you the divorce papers so please lets not drag it"

"It was not a mutual decision Rani and I never signed the divorce papers, in fact I have burned them so you are still my wife!" Rajendra said

His calm demeanor was getting on her nerves! How dare he? After everything he had done he had the nerve to tell her that he wanted her back and that they were not divorced?

"What do you mean we are not divorced ? I had signed the papers and handed them to you"

"Yes My Rani, but I never signed them nor was the divorce filed in court, so basically we are still husband and wife and I want my wife back"

He had some nerve, but she was no longer the Anjali who would ask him how high if he said jump

"Fine then I did not wanted to go that far, but I'll be filing for divorce this time Mr.Rajendra, see you in court"
She said

Anjali was about to leave when he called her from behind

"My Rani on what basis will you file for divorce?"

"The last time I checked Mr.Rajendra cheating can be a valid basis for divorce" Anjali said, how dare he after all he had done he was asking her on what basis she was divorcing him? She did not wanted to drag him in court but it seemed that is what is going to happen

"But My Rani I have never cheated on you"



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