chapter 48

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"We are Finally here Rani!" Rajendra said, as they parked near their houses, Rajendra squeezed Rani's hand a little in nervousness and she squeezed his back in reassurance

As they stepped out, both the mothers came out running from Rani's house with wide smile on their faces

Padmini immediately hugged Anjali, abd whispered in her ear "thank you beta (child) for give this idiot son of mine another chance"

And there Anjali could see Rajendra trying to make peace with her mother

"Please Rekha ma, forgive me, I am really sorry for everything, "he said with tears in his eyes, and Anjali knew her mother would give up her anger, Rajendra was always the son she never had, she had loved Rajendra even more than Anjali

She twisted his ear"Raja, if you hurt my daughter again, I'll personally kill you" she said with a threatening tone, though not forgiving him immediately

"I am sorry Rekha ma, my wish will never cry because of me ever again" he said, touching her feet, she gave him a weak smile

He then turned to Padmini and took her blessings, which she refused to grant

"When my daughter tell me she is happy with you, that day I'll give you my blessing again" she said with a strict tone

Anjali could see the pain in Rajendra's eyes, he was always their favourite, he was the son both of them had been soo proud of

"Rajendra you and Rani will be staying at our place while I am staying with Rekha now" Padmini ma informed us

"But Ma, we can stay with both of you only, why should we stay separately" Anjali said as a protest and at the same time Rajendra said

"Okay cool"

and she glared at him, and stepped on his foot

"Ouch" he muttered under his breadth

"I meant stay with us Maa, I don't want to be further abused" he modified his statement

And Anjali again stepped on his foot, this time more harshly

"Ahh woman! I just said what you wanted me to say why are you still assaulting me?" Rajendra said turning towards Anjali and giving her a hurt look

This time Anjali took a deep breadth, he was such a exasperating man

She then slapped his arm, in front of everyone and said in an annoyed tone "you are hopeless" she said while gritting her teeth and walked away from there, towards their house to be for their stay here

She could here faint sounds of laughter behind her. Mostly Pamini Ma and Rekha Ma

Even Anjali chuckled a little

Rajendra new Anjali was irritated with him, but honestly he just wanted to rebuild their relationship and he wanted to be alone with her, afterall this was the first time his Rani has asked him for something and he wanted to do that with his best possible efforts, he could not afford to screw this chance up, and the mothers were not on his side, what if after seeing them together, they think he is not good enough for Rani?

He can only woo one woman at a time, he will start with his wife and then work his way up

And then suddenly they had started laughing at him after Anjali left from there.

"Don't you remember Rekha how he used to follow you when Anjali was just in your arms, and he was most happy when no one disturbed him and his Rani" Padmini said looking at a still laughing Rekha

"It seems somethings just don't change" they said and shaking their heads at him they left also left from there

Rajendra smiled, and took a deep breadth, he smelled the freshly cut grass, the fruit vendor near by, the children playing at the side, and a small ferris wheel operator, who was assisting the children, he felt the pollution free air on his face and just stood there like that for few moments

His last visit to their small town was when he had come to take Anjali with him as hid bride, and after that this town had become a nightmare for him, a sore point where he could never return

The mothers had not wanted him, Anjali had not wanted him, and he himself was ashamed with his actions.

But today here, he was again at the starting point, where everything began, where Rajendra and Anjali were just Raja and Rani.

Everyone knew about them in their quaint little town. Everyone knew that Raja has loved Rani, since the moment he knew about her

Everyone knew what limit he could cross, when anything even threatened his Rani, but there were few people who became an obstacle, who were wilfully and foolishly trying to take away Rani for him, his Rani who was the reason for existence. He was trying to be merciful, thinking about the bond shared at one point of time, but that was construed as his weakness and the bastard had targeted Rajendra's salvation, it was time to end things.

And which better place then where it all began?

"How long will you stand there looking at the oblivion?" He heard Rani voice and turned, and saw her looking at him through the window, one hand over the window's frame, an annoyance in her voice

"Coming dear, your husband is getting old now, bear with his old age, if his stamina is not like before" he called out, he heard few gasps around him

Rajendra saw Anjali's face getting red ,redder and redest until she finally just slammed the window shut on his face

He chuckled



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