chapter 47

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Anjali was still sitting inside the temple, pondering over everything Rajendra said, it did seem to make sense, but her emotions were running high, she knew he was not at fault rather he was not the only one at fault, but her heart refused to see sense.

The love she had for him, was it still there? Ofcourse

The trust she had in him, was it still there? No

And love being such a fragile emotion, had a co dependency on trust, without trust can love alone survive?

"Rani, I got your favorite fruit" Rajendra came back, he had gone to bring some refreshments for them, as it was already evening and the sun was about to set

"Thank you" she said

They sat side by side, looking at the sunset, it was soo peaceful and serene just like their small town, where they were just Raja and Rani, and not Rajendra and Anjali

"Will you ever forgive me Rani?" Rajendra asked in a small voice, almost as if he did not wanted her to hear

Anjali towards him, tears were brimming his eyes, but he was not letting them fall

She cupped his right cheek, and a lone tear finally rolled down his cheek

"Raja" she said, in almost a whisper

And more tears left his lids

"I am sorry Rani, I am really sorry for everything, for not understanding my innocent Rani, for not cherishing my wish and blessing like I ought to, for putting you through that ordeal where you stopped seeing your Raja when you looked at me, but please Rani, I am still that Raja, whose world revolved around his Rani, yes I got distracted and yes I lost my path, but you are my destination Rani, if you leave me, I'll have nothing, I'll be like a wanderer with no place to call home, and no destination to reach to" Rajendra said sobbing in her arms

Anjali could not stop her tears from flowing too, what had become of them

She hugged him back and patted his back.

The confessions of heart, had finally made things clear, Anjali knew Her Raja had never stopped loving him.

She took a deep breadth

"Raja lets go home" she said

"Ofcourse Rani I'll bring the car" Rajendra said getting up, but Anjali held his hand to stop him

"No Raja, not your home, lets go back to our home, where everything was beautiful, where you were Raja and I was Rani, and no one else was between us" she said and he smiled

The next morning they left for their quaint little town which was not tarnished with the memories of their pain

"Rani shall we stop here and have some tea and snacks?" He asked as he stopped near a small tea shop on the way to their town

"Sure" she said

"Oh, by the way you look beautiful, but then you always do my Rani" he said with a wink, while he left the car to bring them snacks and she blushed

Day by day he was becoming more like the Raja she knew

"Here My Rani" he said handing her, her tea, in a small glass.

"Please make sure, you don't get burnt, my wish, or Maa will kill me, both of them" he said with a smirk

Padmini Maa and Rekha Maa were over the moon knowing we both were coming back.

Though neither of them knew exactly how we got back together, or why we were coming back.

"Umm Rani, do you think they will hit me?" He asked, with a strange expression

Oh no wait! Is he scared? Like really scared?


"What seriously?" He asked, definitely scared

Anjali tried to control her laughter, wasn't he supposed to be grown up by now? Why was he being scared of getting beaten by our mothers?

"You will take my side no, Rani?" He asked looking at Anjali with Puppy eyes

Well should she play with him some more?

"Hmmm, what will I get in return?" She asked, as if she was contemplating something evil

"Haa! Rani when did you become so evil!" He said pointing at her accusingly

"Since when have Raja become soo cute?" Anjali said with a smile

And the moment the words left her lips a broad smile spread across Rajendra's face

"I am cute!" He said, and then gave her the patented Rajendra smirk

"I just meant-"

"Nono, no take backs!" He said waiving his finger in front of her

"I am just saying-"

"Nahh!, hey tea seller! My wife thinks I am cute, you are my witness okay"
He shouted, and Anjali heard the tea-sellers chuckle

"Ji Sahaab ji" (yes sir)

She heard him saying back

And Anjali blushed all shades of red.

"Raja! Get inside the car now!" She said in a low tone

"My Rani's wish is my command, and her command is my neccessity" Raja said and winked at her and immediately got inside the car

He has definitely become good at flattery, she thought with a blush

"It has been soo long Rani" he said, after around  half an hour of driving

"Yes, it has certainly been long, since we last visited our hometown" Anjali said

"Yes, that too, but also a long time for something else"

"What?" She asked

"A secret" Rajendra said, he loved how she furrowed her eyebrows together when she was annoyed

"Then why did you say anything at all, if you did not wanted to complete what you started" Anjali said in an annoyed voice

Rajendra chucked a little

"Dear Rani, I always complete what I start" Rajendra said with a smile

"Then complete what you just said" she said

"Ahh Rani, but I did not say I complete everything in one go" he said, with a smirk. He said and smiled at her again, more like an annoying grin

"Ahh since when did you become so annoying? You are annoying! Your smile is annoying! Your wink is annoying! Everything,  everything is annoying" Anjali said rotating her finger at his face, with a slightly angry expression.

Rajendra stopped the car, at the side block and said

"Look at me Rani" he said, but she did not

So he held her by her shoulder and rotated her towards him and said after lifting her chin, so that she can look at him

"Look at me Rani, please" he said again, and then when she finally looked at him, he said cupping her face in both his palms

"You are beautiful, your eyes are beautiful, your nose is beautiful,  your lips are beautiful, your ears are beautiful, your heart is beautiful, your soul is beautiful, everything,  everything is beautiful" he said, and placed a soft kiss on her closed eyelids, then her cheeks, and then her forehead. And then he softly pecked her lips.



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