chapter 56

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Rajendra and Anjali were driving back to the city, and Raja was looking at the road with one eye and his other eye was on Anjali who was trying to free her hand from his grip, which he had held since the beginning of their journey back

"Rajendra! Leave my hand, and concentrate on driving" Anjali said finally getting frustrated at his childish behaviour

"But Rani, I can do both, and what if you hit me again after I release your hand" he said and then chuckled

While Anjali just snorted as if he was so terribly injured with her few smacks

"Yes, yes I can still see the bruises" Anjali said sarcastically

"But seriously Rani, what did I even do? I just gave you your small wedding anniversary gift" Rajendra said innocently

"Raja!" Anjali was frustrated now

The stupid man, had bought the whole plot, with the lake, in her name, and on top of that there was a gold ring on her finger which she had no idea when he had slipped it on her finger.

And she had smacked him getting overwhelmed

"What is this Raja? Have you lost your mind completely?" She had said, exasperated at his extravagance

He had just smirked and had held her palm on his chest

"I am just giving my Rani, her land, how is that me losing my mind? it had always been yours, you just did not know it"

The date on the papers were of three years back, when their first wedding anniversary was supposed to be celebrated but was not.

She had not known what to do? Had she really been blind all this time?

Had Lucky seriously been at fault on this time?

Anjali felt a small peck on the back of her hand

"All attention on me Rani!" He said

Raja will always be Raja

They again stopped by the small tea shop for some refreshments, before continuing with their journey

Raja seemed happy and satisfied, but Anjali still was not able to let things go completely, her Raja had become Rajendra sahab and then her Raja again, but why had he done that? What had caused him to change soo much? And what was the guarantee that he won't change again?

Rajendra could feel the atmosphere change, the playfulness they shared was again getting shrouded with dark clouds

"Don't withdraw from me Rani, please not again, I will not be able to bear it" He said in a sombre voice

Raja was always able to gauge her mood, but he had also hurt her, knowingly, he had wanted to hurt her as he was hurting and in that process he had destroyed everything including himself

"Please Rani just tell me whatever you have in your mind, please just don't shut me out again" he said, he had stopped the car at the side, and was now looking at her, with concern in his eyes, his hands were cupping both her hands, his eyes were filled with tenderness, and his voice was pleading her to speak, he had finally seen a ray of hope yesterday and he will not let it extinguish at any cost.


"Yes Rani"

"Raja, what had happened,  why did you change? Why did you hurt me? Why could you not see my tears? Why could you not understand my love for you? Why did you make me hate you?" Anjali asked, finally, all the questions which had been bothering her, all the questions, which were still unanswered, all the questions which was stopping her from forgiving him

Rajendra took a deep breadth he knew someday he would have to answer her questions, someday she would make him bare his deep insecurities, but not so soon, he had wanted to shower her with lots of love, he had wanted to make her forgive him, before laying himself bare in front of her, but how could he forget she was his Rani, and her forgiveness was never easy. But then what he did, was also not something that could be forgiven easily.

"Let us reach our home Rani, I will tell you everything then, but just trust me for now, I know I have not done anything to warrant your trust, but please, just trust me, everything will be sorted in two days, I have laid down the trap, he just has to voluntarily fall into it" Rajendra said

It was finally time to end this, this thorn which had constantly pierced Rani and his relation will finally be removed now

Rajendra looked at her, and took her palm and made her cup his cheek, he looked in her eyes

"Please just give me two days, if after that you wish to leave, I will let you go, I will also sign those ridiculous papers, but just give me two days" he pleaded.

Anjali could see the desperation in his eyes and voice, Rajendra would never let her go, she knew this, the wrath in his voice with the mere mention of divorce was something she could not ignore, but...

"Please Rani" he squeezed her hand asking her for her patience and understanding

She just nodded

"Thank you!" He smiled

"Now how about, you look at the inside of the ring I presented you, when you were soo lost in my eyes" he said with a small chuckle, to lighten the mood

And Anjali just promptly smacked him, with a little red tint on her cheeks

"Owww! Violent women!" He said rubbing at the spot she had hit

"Aww! Delicate Man" she said, and they both started laughing

But she did look inside the ring, where it was inscribed beautifully

"Anjali's Rajendra,  since forever"

Anjali smiled

Rajendra smiled looking at Anjali smiling, and finally he again started the car, there were many things that awaited them there, and most important was the truth, the truth which had been veiled for too long now.

As Rajendra started the car, again, just few minutes away there were many people gathered around, it seemed some accident had occurred

"Raja we should go and help, someone seems to have met an accident" Rani said and she promptly got out of the car with Rajendra following closely behind her

"Lucky!" Anjali shouted, looking at the man lying with a half dazed conscious

There in the middle of the road, Lucky was lying in a pool of blood



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