chapter 26

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Anjali was sure she had hit rock bottom after many failed attempts to secure a decent job, at times it plagued her whether she should continue to live?

She felt like a disappointment to herself and to people around her, no matter what people said she just could not shake off the feeling of failure

She had given her all to a person who did not deserve it and because of that now she had no degree, no work experience and no standing in this competitive world.

And now everything just looked hopeless how long should she be a burden to her mother ? How long did she have to feel this way? How long should she live?

Anjali was living day to day as it came, it had been a month since her confrontation with Rajendra and her feeling of helplessness had just increased with each passing day.

Today she had another interview, she had got a call from another company, a designing company, 'DS Designs' it was reputed to be a ruthless company where only the best survived

Even he did not have any power to interfere in its workings, and somehow that made Anjali even more nervous, she was not sure whether she should even go for the interview.

She had the dream to have her own boutique someday... and now.... well what choice did she have ?

After 3 hours

She was sitting in a cab

Anjali could not believe it! She was hired! Without any help!

And the first place she could think of was AR International, she paid the cab driver and took the elevator to the top floor

Rajni was sitting at the desk, as soon as she saw her she smiled and came to greet her

"Mrs Rani" she said sunnily

"Its Ms.Anjali and where is your boss?" She asked

She looked taken aback for a moment but her smile returned quickly

"He is at his office Mam" she said

Anjali immediately entered his office without knocking

He looked up in shock, he seemed used to complete obedience it seemed

A smile spread across his face when he saw her

She would soon wipe it off his face.

"Rani you-"

She smirked and threw the letter on his face which landed on his desk

He looked shocked for a moment

"I got the job! Without your help Rajendra Sahab ! It is in DS Designs, you always thought I am not good enough to work right ! But look they have recognised my potential irrespective of your vulgar attempts to control my life, I have made it!" She said and then turned around and left

She could still feel the adrenaline rushing through her when she took a cab home, she could still not believe it she did it! She actually cracked the interview! The interview in which there were just two other applicants beside her and both looked more confident and competent than herself

But she got selected!

Her salary was that of a fresher only but she would get to work with designers she will get to learn from the best and she will have her own id card! Her ID which was lost somewhere

And this time she was even given an offer letter

Ones she reached her house she gave her mother her offer letter and cried finally! Finally she would do something and something which she liked! Which she wanted to do! Something which was her dream, her dream beside him

Why did she still think of him? She should not waste her energy on him anymore!

A new life awaited her and she would do her very best!



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Sorry for the short update but I'll definitely try to make the next chapter longer, and thank you for bearing with my slow updates

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