chapter 42

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"Ofcourse MY WIFE, is alright, she had her HUSBAND beside her "
Rajendra said to Laxman, emphasizing their relation

Anjali tried to hide her smirk but failed, what was she to do with her over possessive husband

Did she actually think of him as her husband, again? Or had she ever stopped?

Did she actually forget everything? How can she betray herself like this?

Her Love for him, was begging her to forgive him, but her self-respect was not allowing it

"Why are you here Laxman?" She heard Rajendra ask

"My friend is not well" he replied simply

"She is fine, she just needs to rest, and cared for, and I am there for her" Rajendra emphasized

Laxman ignored him

"Anjali are you alright? How did you get hurt? By when can you be discharged?" He asked Anjali

If she did not have some questions of her own, she would have laughed, looking at the shock on Rajendra's face, how can someone ignore the high and mighty Rajendra.

"I am alright Lucky, it was just a minor accident, and Rajendra was there, he took most of the blow" she said

She could observe the smirk on his face from the corner of her eyes

Will he ever mature?

"Still you should have been careful, what if something happened to you?"
He said with concern

Lucky her friend, did he actually did everything that Rajendra said, but why would Raja lie? But then why would Lucky do that? She had already made it clear that he was just her friend, only a friend

The concern in his eyes for her could not lie.

"I am really fine Lucky, it was just an accident, like I said, I'll be fit to leave the hospital in few days" she said

"Anjali, please recover quickly" he said, taking her hands in his and kissing them

"Stupid Lucky, I should just exterminate him" she heard Rajendra say under his breadth

But she looked at Rajendra, warning him not to do anything, and unlike before he actually obeyed and stayed put

He is making progress

"Ahem. Ahem. I think the doctor said Rani needs to rest, why are you bothering her" Rajendra said to Lucky

It seemed Raja will never grow a tolerance for Lucky

"Were you not already bothering her before I came" Lucky said

"I was not bothering her, I was just checking on her" Rajendra said, gritting his teeth

This much anger was not good for his health

"Same here, Rajendra, I am also looking out for her, from way too long, even when someone Shirked their responsibilities" Laxman said sarcastically

"What the hell do you mean by this statement!?" Rajendra said under his breadth, he was going to hit Lucky

"Are you that dense?" Laxman smirked

Before Rajendra could reply, Anjali said

"Enough you two! This is a hospital, please maintain some decorum, Laxman thank you for coming, I'll call you ones I get discharged, and Rajendra you need rest, you have barely survived please go back to your room"

"But Anjali"

"But Rani"

Both started simultaneously

"I said leave both of you, I want rest" Anjali dismissed them

They both left grudgingly

Why did it feel they were back in their town and they were teens again, the way they fought was always juvenile, but she thought by now they might have grown up, clearly she was wrong.

She closed her eyes, to rest


"Leave her alone Rajendra, don't you think you have troubled her enough"
Laxman said as soon as they left Anjali's room

"It is none of your business Laxman!" Rajendra sneered

"You were always selfish Rajendra, please let her be happy with someone who deserves her and who she deserves"

"And who might that be Laxman?" Rajendra said with a fake smile, while all he wanted to do was wring his neck

What was it about Laxman, that made Rajendra see red

Was it his oversweet nature?

Or the way he looked at his Rani?

Or the way he was always conveniently available?

"You know what I mean Rajendra" he said

"No I don't, and neither do I want to, I made a mistake and I paid for it dearly, I will not let you mess with me again, please leave now, I am a patient, as you can see, and I need rest" Rajendra said and walked towards his room

His Rani will not like it, if he got into a fight with Laxman in front of her hospital room, and his wounds had also started protesting, the pain killers effect must have started wearing down

"You know Rajendra, I can give her a better life than you, I can care for ger better than you, I can love-"

"Stop right there Laxman, I have heavy dosage of pain killers running through me and my whole body is protesting, but if I have to I will kill you, because trust me Laxman, no one can Love Rani like me, she may have you as a substitute, but for me, she is the only one, there was, there is, and there will be no one for me, if not Rani, and I have learnt my lesson the hard way, I can even bear you hovering around like an annoying fly, if it means she will forgive me and accept me, and trust me, the day she knows your secret she will herself kick you out of our lives" with that Rajendra left

Lucky looked at Rajendra's departing figure, he was hobbling all the way

What did he mean by his secret?

When did he find out?

Was it about two years back?

Did Mrs. Nova tell him something?
That crazy woman had actually started loving this idiot

Or was it those pictures? But he had made sure to be anonymous about it?

Or was it the time when they were children

Nono Rajendra was not the one to keep things in for so long, he would have definitely exploded by now

Or did he find out about the accident?



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