chapter 6

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"Look Raja such a beautiful sunset" Anjali told Rajendra excitedly  as they were strolling hand in hand on the beach.

He just looked at her and smiled and said"But not as beautiful as you"

and she blushed

"I want to give you the world Rani" He said holding Anjali close to him

"But you are my world , I dont want anything else" she said looking into his eyes.

He felt like the luckiest man in the world as he had his Rani , His wish, his life with him , he did not needed anyone else .

"Rani tommorow there is a big party of my office , where some important clients and investors will come , you will come with me"

"aye , aye sir" she said saluting him on his order , with a mischievous grin

"You are cheeky !" Raja said playfully and started Running after her as she ran from there

They played for sometime on the beach and by the time the came out of the beach they were soaking wet from all the water fight

They looked at each other and started laughing at their state.

But suddenly Anjali hugged him tightly and he was startled .

"I love you Raja , please never leave Me" Anjali said in a small voice

hearing this he hugged her more tightly and said

"How can i leave my life Rani" and kissed her forehead

They went home happily , and Anjali thought may be now since 3 months has passed to their marriage , she should tell Rajendra about her dream to be a fashion designer , he would definetly support her

"Raja "  she called him , but he was engrossed in some files and did not pay attention

but she kept calling him , finally he looked at her and saw her there standing right in front of him

"yes Rani? i am really busy , this is really important for me to finish for tommorow, please say fast" Rajendra said getting a little irritated.

"I um ...i was wondering... Since i finished my graduation....i want to work in-"


"what no?"

"what , what no? no means no" he said little angrily

"but Raja , i want to do something make  a career" Anjali persisted

"look Rani we just got married why dont you give 2-3 years to us and then may be we can think about you working" He said

Think ? What does he mean by think ? and he works, why cant she?

"But Raja you work , and"

"what are you trying to say Anjali ? that I dont fulfil your needs , i dont make you happy?" He asked in rage

"nono i did not mean that , I just.... Fine I'll wait for 2-3 years" Anjali said defeated

she was sad , that her Raja was not understanding that she wants to work , that she wants to do something, and it had nothing to do with him not being capable

She was hurt that he called her Anjali , only she didnt knew it won't be the only time this would happen .

Anjali saw Rajendra was still upset with her soo she went made his favourite dish for him , and presented it to him with a sweet smile and sorry , she knew her Raja cant be angry with her for long .

She just hoped tommorows meeting goes well , he was too stressed with it.



I know kinda short and lousy but if you'll like it

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