chapter 39

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"What are you doing here?" Anjali asked in an exasperated voice, will she ever get free from this man and his demanding presence?

"Driving" he said with a grin

It was funny to watch Rani, getting so riled up

Rajendra always kept his emotions in control, he had learnt it the hard way, when he had come to the big city leaving their quaint little town behind. But when it came to his Rani all logic went to hell all he wanted to do was listen to her, love her, kiss her, hug her. And he like an idiot had lost everything but not now, not anymore, he had finally understood what he needed and as an idiot in the process he had lost his wish. The wish which made him Rajendra, the business tycoon, the wish which was the driving force behind AR holdings.

The wish which no longer wanted to do anything with him. The wish was current sitting in the backseat of the car and glaring at him. If looks could kill he would be dead by now.

"Why are you doing this Rajendra?" Rani asked him, she had a defeated tone in her voice.

"Because I love you" Rajendra replied

"Stop the car!" Rani said, in a low voice

This was the first time Rajendra was hearing her speaking in this tone

"Rani I cannot-"

"I said stop the car or I will jump!" Rani shouted

"Rani please calm down! Don't be unreasonable" Rajendra said trying to calm her down

"I am not your fucking Rani, and I will be unreasonable,  it is my bloody wish! I said stop the car Rajendra Sahab!"

Rajendra could see her getting angry and anxious and he could see the resolve in her eyes, he stopped the car, and immediately Rani stomped off, getting down from the car

It was a lonely road as instead of going to the airport Rajendra had taken the by road route as he wanted to spend more time with Anjali, they were currently on a mountain road and there was only a lonely tea seller at the corner, with few customers

Rajendra had also gotten down from the car and followed her

"Stop Rani! You are creating a scene!" Rajendra said, holding her hand

Anjali turned towards him angry, and slapped him, hard

"Rajendra Sahab, now I have created a scene, why do you want me back? Why are you doing all this? I was a town girl and I will always be one! I had embarrassed you before and I will embarrass you now! I was not sophisticated enough for you before and I am not sophisticated for you now, and most importantly you were not right for me before and you are not right for me now!" Anjali said, her eyes blazing in hurt, anger and betrayal

She could see Rajendra's eye's had unshed tears in them, his face scrunched in agony

She turned to walk away from him, but he hugged her from behind tightly, she tried to free herself, but her struggle went in vain, he was much stronger than her, physically.
He held her in the bands of his arms, freezing her to his chest, and she felt something wet on her neck

Rajendra was crying

She felt his tears on her neck and shoulder and his ragged breathing as he tried to control his emotions

When he finally spoke, his voice was still hoarse

"Just one thing Rani, in everything you said was true rest all was bullshit. You are right I was not right for you before and I am not right for you now, but god help me I am soo selfish I cannot let you go! And I will become right for you and one day you will yourself come and say that to me, and secondly Rani, you were perfect for me before, you are perfect for me now, and you will be the only one for me ever!"

Anjali could not stop her tears from falling, why did he always do this? Why did he make her weak? Why?

She controlled her tears and turned

She hugged him. Her hands wraped around his torso, and her nose buried in his chest, she inhaled, her Raja was her safe place, that one person she thought would never hurt her, his smell, his arms which had tightened around her, his soft breaths, his steady heartbeat, which she thought only beat for her, she had missed him, how could she not? He was her Raja, the one who was the whole world of little Rani, the Raja who had protected her, Raja who had stood by her, Raja who was her rock and Raja who had shattered her world, who had made her feel inadequate, who had made her feel lonely, who had left her at her lowest and who had broken her trust.

"Its too late now Rajendra" she said, her voice dripping with sadness and resignation, as she stood on her tip toes and planted a small kiss on his cheek. It was time to end this, this little game was not worth it.

She pushed him away and started walking towards the tea stall, she needed some time alone, to gather herself.

"Its not too late My Rani, as long as I am alive I will keep trying" she heard Rajendra say from behind

But she just kept walking away from him, she knew her love for Rajendra, no her Raja would never really go away, the memories they created in their town, the memories of their marriage when he was her Raja and she was his Rani, the memories of their future which will never fructify. She could feel tears running down her cheeks, tears of what could have been

And she could feel the sob her in her throat.

Wait? Was this pain she was feeling?

She could feel, her hand and legs hurting and she could feel her head hurting and then she could hear a scream in a distance and then darkness, peace, still



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