chapter 12

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Anjali had, had enough already from past 2 months they were living in separate rooms, she had stopped greeting him but she still did all his work , and all she got in return was his anger and ignorance, Anjali felt very lonely .

Raja was her only friend , and now her husband , but he did not understand Anjali at all nowadays

She did not understand how her Raja became , like this , he was never so money hungry

You are giving up too early girl , her heart would say

How long will she bear this torture, her mind would say .

She just did not know , what she should do !?

Anjali had stopped smiling and her Raja who was always the reason for her smiles , now did not care !

She thought she should may be leave , what more could she give ? Without any reciprocating no relationship can survive.

But then who will take care of Raja even he is alone ! Her poor heart would tell her

She went to rearrange her cupboard, since whole whole days she was alone now , Anjali did not know what to do with soo much time !

She saw an album inside the cupboard, it was their wedding album

She opened it , how happy they looked at the time of marriage what happened? How did they became like this ? Bitter strangers, did she over react was it her fault?

May be she was doing something wrong , she should give them one more chance , he is stressed so that is why her Raja was aloof, how can she forget everything .

She caressed the picture where he was hugging her from back, both of them were smiling widely, their eyes showing their happiness

Anjali wiped the lone tear that had escaped her eyes.

With a new resolve, she again went downstairs.

She was working in the kitchen when she heard some kind of noise coming from hall

She went out to see it and there she saw Raja, he was not able to walk properly , he was drunk may be , his eyes looked red, there was a broken vase beside him .

She quickly rushed to help him out

"Raja what is this?" Anjali asked him angrily looking at his state

"What Rani?" He asked with an innocent expression and he had a smile on his face

"Raja ,how much did you drank !? you know i dont like alcohol !"

"soo what , I like it , in fact I love it , it makes me feel good , unlike you !"

"What are you talking about Raja ? And please 1st go and have a bath you stink !"

"Oh god Anjali you are soo old fashioned , leave the town behind will you? Why cant you just adjust little !"

"how much more should i adjust Raja ! I have left my family , my mom, my dreams everything! what else you want?" She shouted at him, how dare he come to their home in this state

"Oh great ! you think you have done something big , when you can enjoy here and spend my money and live luxuriously in my house ! you dont even have to lift a finger and you say you have sacrificed !" he shouted back

Anjali felt hurt , very hurt , she could feel her eyes filling with tears , she had wanted to work he had stopped her , now he was blaming her, saying that she wanted to live luxuriously without earning on her own, he had always told her, he was hers, so everything he owned was also hers, and now.....!

"oh great ! here comes the waterworks ! Stop the drama " Rajandra sneered at her

Anjali did not know , her Raja could hurt her like this

She wiped her tears

"You please go and freshen up , there is no point talking to you , when you are in this state" she said quitely

"what state I am in haan? I am quite well , why dont i prove it to you wife" he sneered

Then he came to her , she could see the intent in his eyes

"No Raja please" Anjali said, it was the first time, she was disgusted with him, her Raja

But he did not listen , he kissed her forcefully on her lips , she gagged from the stink of alcohol

Tears stung her eyes , but he was soo powerful , but she gathered all her strength and pushed him

"Leave me ," she shouted, she would not tolerate this!

He got angry

"Mrs.Nova is soo right you are really still that narrow minded person from that town , it is just alcohol anjali and you are behaving as if it is acid" he spat and left from there

She slid down on the floor, her back towards the door and started crying , was something wrong with her? She should not tolerate this disrespect! Why was she behaving like a helpless woman?

Why can't she leave him after this?

you love him too much stupid !

But is he worth it ? It was the first time that question had popped in Anjali's head


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