chapter 15

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"Find her!" Rajendra shouted at the policeman, there were sirens ringing, police sirens.

She could hear the voice, from everywhere

There was water lots of water, Anjali's car had skidded from the bridge and landed in the lake below

She was awake, she could see movements, but her body was paralysed, she could not save herself, did she even want to save herself?

Look Raja what you have done to your Rani, she thought, still Raja! All she could ever think about, all she had ever cared about, who was the centre of her love and life, Raja! Her Raja!

May be what they say was true, one always sees their life when one is about to die, and all her life had Raja

They were sitting near their pond, their village pond, Anjali was 5 and Raja was 10,  Anjali as usual was leaning her small head on Rajandra's small yet sturdy shoulder

"What are you sad about Rani?" Raja had asked her, somehow he was always able to guess her moods, without even telling him, he knew his Rani was not happy

"Today, Raja at school teacher scolded me, she even shouted at me in front of the whole class" Anjali had complained in a small voice

"Why Rani?" Raja had asked, patting her head in a consoling gesture

"She had given us homework Raja, but I did not do it" she said

"Why?" Rajendra had asked smiling looking at Anjali's petulant expression, as if it was the teachers fault to check her homework

"You had called me for playing Raja, and then I had eaten and slept" five year old Anjali had said, as if they were perfectly reasonable excuses

Raja had laughed, but then looking at Anjali's serious expression he had sobered up quickly

"Well next time, you just tell me you can't come to play Rani" he had said

"NO! " Anjali had shouted angrily, "I'll finish homework after playing with you" she had said decisively.

And Raja had smiled

Anjali could not breathe she was gasping for air, she wanted to breakthrough this trans, but memories kept assaulting her, memories of Raja and Rani and their quaint little town pond, pure memories they were

"Rani! Rani!" A 20 year old Raja had come home, during his break and as always he had come to search his Rani, before meeting anyone else.

"Rani come out right now!" He had said angrily, when he was not able to find her for some time

"Rani if you don't come out now, I'll leave and never return" Rajendra had threatened

And Anjali had come out at once, from her hiding place behind the tree

"Never say that Raja!" She had shouted at him, after rushing into his arms

"Scared you didn't I?" He had asked with a smirk and Anjali had smacked his chest lightly in return

"You have become quite cunning Raja after going to the city" Anjali had scolded him

"Well what to do Rani, to survive there, you have to learn their ways" he had said with a twinkle in his eyes

"Fine , fine Mr. Smart, now what did you bring me" she had asked as usual

"I knew you were just concerned with your present" he had said with a  laugh and had presented her with a bag, as soon her school was going to end, and she was going to start her college

"Beware Rani, don't mingle too much with those boys in your college, they are not nice people" he had said in a serious tone and Anjali had laughed

"Or is someone just jealous" Anjali had teased Rajendra

"You naughty girl!" And Ranjendra had started chasing after her as she ran from him, poking fun at him

"Raja is Jealous,  Raja is Jealous" she had sang, showing him her tongue

The memory faded away, as more water filled Anjali's lungs. Was she dying? Will the pain then go away? Will she then be happy as she was? Would she ever be happy without her Raja?

Anjali was 20 and Rajendra was 25, Rahul Anjali's father, her second best friend, her confidant, her support had died, she could not believe it, she had however tried to stay strong for her mother, her mother who was inconsolable, she had tried to be a pillar of strength for her mother, she had not cried. Anjali had not cried for a week, since her father had died. She was trying to be strong, very strong for her mother

But finally when she could not handle it anymore, she had gone near the lotus pond and had sat there staring into nothingness.

She had then felt a presence behind her.

Her Raja, he had come immediately, as it usually took a week to come from the city to their town, and here he was

Rajendra had sat beside her quietly and put an arm around her, and had guided her head towards his chest.

Then Anjali had cried, he was here, she could finally be weak, she could finally break down, there was someone who would be strength for her, someone who would take care of everything for her, while she grieved, her Raja was here.

"Raja...papa....he...he...I am all alone" Anjali had said between sobs , she could still not come to terms with the reality

"Shh! Rani" he had consoled her, he had rubbed her back, trying to calm her

"I am here Rani, how can you be alone?!" He had said still calming

"But you cannot stay Raja, your life is in the city, I'll be alone" she had said still crying

"I'll leave everything Rani, the day you feel alone, will be my biggest failure" he had said, while wiping her tears and had kissed her on her forehead

The memories kept assaulting  Anjali, one by one, and then finally there was peace

But something was pulling at her hand, or was it someone ?



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