chapter 49

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"Do you know your Anjali has gone back to your hometown with Rajendra"  said to Lucky

Rather informed him, when she came and sat across him, as usual she had the disgusting smirk on her face and her body was spilling out from the sorry excuse of the dress she wore. Her painted red lips, felt like she had just sucked the blood from some unsuspecting poor soul.

Lucky had never wanted to get entangled with this woman but the maths had added up. She wanted Rajendra and Laxman wanted Anjali at any cost.

Only if that stupid Rajendra had died, as he had planned for him, everything would have been better. Laxman would have played the sympathetic friend and would have lent Anjali his shoulder to cry on, and then Would have slowly erased Rajendra from their life completely.

Since their childhood, Rajendra has always been beside Anjali, no matter how many times Laxman had tried to separate them. Laxman had thought that now finally, after this Mrs.Nova episode Anjali will never forgive Rajendra and that was the reason why he had joined hands with this disgusting woman,  but how did that slimy bastard always made Anjali forgive him, Laxman just did not understand

"Can't tolerate your defeat right? Don't worry Rajendra will come running back to me soon, that stupid town girl will not be able to satisfy him! How about-"

"Shut up"

"What did you say?"

"I said shut up! You are good for nothing! Atleast if not your character you could have used your body to entice him! But you failed in even that"

"How dare you!?" Mrs. Nova's eyes had become brighter with anger her cheeks flushed, her long nails screeched on the table in frustration

"I dare very easily, you just put all my years efforts in the drain, with your stupidity! Who told you to go to that show! Anjali was almost ready to give into me , but the moment she saw Rajendra pushing you away, her behaviour changed, at least you could have had drugged him and-"

"He is not puny like you, he is well built man!" Mrs.Nova sneered

"How dare you!?" Laxman said angrily

"I dare very easily, now know your place before you run your mouth like that with me!, I want Rajendra but he is not the only man out there, he was more of a challenge than anything else, and his sad wife was all he ever cared about, frankly I was losing interest! If you ever even think of insulting me again, your life will be dragged down to the pits of hell by me, sunny little boy!" She said, with gritted teeth.

All these woman were giving Laxman a head ache, first there was Anjali who was not understanding what was good for her and then there was this woman, who thought she was entitled to everything!

"And now since you were unable to get me Rajendra, how are you going to compensate, boy?" She asked cocking her one eyebrows upward

"What do you mean?" Lucky asked, almost chocking on his own saliva

"Did you forget? You had asked me for money, to be exact ten lakh rupees, which you thought would cover up all your misdeeds, and you had told me I will Rajendra, for a night to do as I please, it is still unfulfilled that promise"


"You should not have insulted me Lucky, get me Rajendra within the next week,  or I will expose Everything" she said casually, and walked away from there

He has to go back to their town.


Rajendra could not have been happier with how things were progressing between them

Anjali seemed happy, the happiest since their marriage she was smiling more, she had got that mischievous glint back in her eyes and may be she had also started to like him again

"Rani I am going out for some work" Rajendra called out

He heard the footsteps, his Rani was coming to him, for him. This was his favourite sound, the sound of her coming to him, on her own free will

"Where are you going?" She asked keeping her hands on her hips

"Secret?" Rajendra said

And she scrunched up her face on him. Her cute nose got red in anger and her cheeks got flushed, also her eyes started sparkling

"Fine go!" She said and turned to go away from there

But Rajendra immediately hugged her from behind holding her forearms in his strong arms, he pulled her back, so that her back was leaning on his chest, she stiffened for few minutes but then relaxed

"What are you doing Rajendra?" She said in a low voice, still shy as always

"Hmm, let's see my wife seemed angry with me, so I am trying to pacify her" Rajendra murmured in her ear and kissed it softly

"Well, you just be happy with your secrets!" Anjali huffed

"Trust me Rani you will love it! Give me just sometime? Hmm?" He said and loosened his hold on her and turned her, so that he could look at her cute little angry face

"I know Rani what you are thinking, but trust me I just, want to make amends" he said and kissed her cheek, before he left, for whatever errand he was soo busy with

It had been a month since they had come back to their little town and things were looking up.

Anjali could again see glimpses of her Raja in Rajendra, he was sweet, he was caring, and he was still very possessive.

Whenever she had tried to bring out the topic of Lucky, he was adamant, and always only told her one thing

"Just wait Rani, I will tell you everything, when the time is right"

Fine, he can go wherever he wants, she will also finish her work by then! It is not like she will miss him in few hours or anything, she was also very busy, her senior had also called her twice asking her when her sabbatical, will be over. If he wants to keep secrets she can just go back.

And look at this man, Anjali thought how messed up he has kept everything! Well he should pick his own trash!

But she was feeling restless and wanted to do something, fine she will just clean the attic

As soon as she opened the door of the attic she coughed, why was it not cleaned! She immediately took the broom and started cleaning. There were soo many papers, old tattered clothes, outdated utensils and what not! Anjali sighed and took on the task.

As she was cleaning she came across an envelope which looked familiar, was it their divorce papers?

She opened the envelope, and Anjali could not believe what she saw, she let out a silent cry of pain



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