chapter 43

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He and Anjali, were discharged after one month, Anjali was in good health and recovering fast while Rajendra still had wounds which needed to be dressed and changed twice a day atleast

And Anjali did not know what had possessed her when she agreed to play nurse for Rajendra

He had saved her life definitely, and she would be lying if she did not agree that it had thawed the ice in her heart a little, but was she able to forgive him? She did not know

But now looking at his wounds were making her teary, the tears rolling down her cheeks, were a testament of her residual feelings for him

"Why are you crying Rani?" Rajendra asked, she did not know she was being loud about it

He gently wiped her tears
"Please do not cry Rani" Raja said

How could she not cry, his whole back was scarred because of her, the wounds were healing, but the pain he would have endured, the scar on his face would leave a mark for sure

"Shh" he said trying to calm her down, and then he kissed her forehead, and then her cheeks, and then her lips

And she let him, may be she even needed it, the comfort she felt with his touch, was unparalleled

She wrapped her arms around him

"You should not have done it Rajendra" she mumbled, burying her face in his chest

"Rani, you know, when you left me, this was how I felt, it seemed my whole body was burning, and I had cuts all over my body, the physical pain I felt then, was way more than now, and if I did not do what I did, I would have died anyway, knowing you exist, was still allowing me to breathe but the world, in which you don't exist, it might as well just burn away" Rajendra said, his eyes bright with unshed tears

Anjali, did not know how to react, Rajendra had loved her, may be still loves her, but did she love him anymore?

"I think I should go" She said stuttering a little, her emotions were running high, she did not wanted to him hope, when she was not sure, not after what he had done for her

She got up from the bed to go, but she felt Rajendra clasping her wrists

She turned, to look at him, he was looking at her with the longing in his eyes, the look she had seen many times, but today, the look was beckoning her to stay, as if there was a magnetic pull

"Please stay with me, tonight!" He said softly, and like a idiot she complied

Even after all these years, one look, one wish, one touch was all it took for her to melt

She let him, embrace her in his arms, the familiarity was soo comforting

She closed her eyes and drifted off too sleep

The next morning

Anjali woke up and stretched her arms, this felt soo nice, but where was Rajendra and what the hell was she doing?

Did she really forgive him?

She should make him pay though or has she tortured him enough?

"You are awake Rani" Rajendra's voice brought her out of her musings

He was standing there with a cup in his hand. He had showered and dressed in black pants and lime shirt, looking fresh and totally handsome and she was looking ragged

"Here coffee for you" he said extending his hand "Just like you like it, with milk and no sugar" he said with a smile

She accepted the coffee
"You don't need to do this Raja" she said

His smile broadened

"I don't need to may be but I want to" he said

Anjali knew she had to talk to him, she cannot string him along like this.

She took a sip of her coffee and let the caffeine hit her and then she gulped still looking at him

"I think we should talk" she said

Rajendra looked at her, his bright smile turned weary, but he nodded and sat across her, he was looking at her expectantly

Anjali drew a deep breadth, before continuing
"I know Rajendra you want us to be together, but I think I should be honest with you, frankly I don't know if I still want to be with you, ofcourse there are feelings, but the affectionate feelings are mingled with feelings of betrayal and pain, I don't think I can forgive you and even if I do, it is even more difficult to forget, when the court asked us to stay together, I wanted to do everything to agonize you that you, yourself will ask me to leave-"

"Impossible" Rajendra Interjected

"Anyways, what I am trying to say is, I don't trust you, and no matter how strongly we might feel for each other, this will not work, trust is the basis of any relation, and why the hell are you smiling?"

Here Anjali was trying to make him understand her reasons as to why they cannot be together and the bastard was smiling at her

"Oh sorry, I am just happy to hear you still have feelings for me, I had thought you don't feel anything for me anymore, whether it is hate or love as long as you feel something for me, I can live with that" he said

The man was mad

After everything she said, that was what he had picked up from her entire monologue?

"I think Rajendra you are not understanding what I mean-" she started to say again, but she was cut off by Rajendra

"I understand what you mean, Rani, but all I am asking you is a chance, give me a chance to win your trust again, give me a chance to make you fall in love with me again, give me a chance to be your Raja again, that is all I ask" Rajendra said, extending his hand towards her

Anjali looked at him, unsure and unconvinced


Whether it was the look in his eyes or the huskiness in his voice, Anjali would never know, but she placed her hand in his



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