chapter 61

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How dare the bastard hurt his Rani? Was the only thing Rajendra was able to think, the bruises on her face and the chain on her leg, was the only picture roaming in his mind, and when he heard the satisfying snap of bones, did he felt peace

The heart wrenching scream from Lucky was like music to Rajendra's ears, he had harmed Rani. Rajendra could forgive anything had even let his own murder attempt be overlooked, but not the chain on his Rani's leg. No one was allowed to hurt her.

And when she had wobbled and winced her way towards him was the last straw.

"Please now enough Raja!" Anjali said, coming to his side, her face had streaks of dry tears and her face looked swollen, her forehead and lip had some dried blood

Rajendra wanted to kill him, but before he could land another punch, the police sirens could be heard.

Rajendra took a deep breadth


Rajendra and Anjali were sitting in their bedroom, and Raja was treating her wounds.

He had not said a word from the moment police had come, they had arrested an unconscious Lucky, and had asked Raja and her to come tomorrow to give their statements, as they could see Anjali was badly hurt, and Rajendra was looking positively murderous.

Raja had not spoken a single word to her since they had left that building where Lucky had held her captive, and Anjali had also passed out soon

And one they had reached their home, still he was not saying a word, he had just promptly picked her up from the car, and then proceeded to bathe her with warm water.

And when she had protested, he had just looked at her and uttered, in a low voice

"I am your Husband"

And the look in his eyes had made Anjali shut up

He had done very gently dressed her in a long white shirt, which was his, and had his scent

And was now tending to the wound on her ankles, with too much concentration

He then bandaged the wound, and she winced a little from the pain, and he softly blew on her wound.

He then started tending to her face

"Please Raja talk to me now, Please" Anjali said, not able to bare this any longer, he was unusually quiet

"Please, tell me what happened,  how did you find me? Please" she said again when he did not respond

She slowly cupped his cheek, and held his hand which was still applying ointment to her wound, and forced him to look at her

The moment their eyes met, Anjali could see the small stress line fanning from the corner of his eyes and mouth, and then she saw a lone tear escape from his left eye

"I was unable to protect you" Raja whispered finally

Anjali could not see him in pain now, he had protected her, god knows what would have happened if he had not come on time

"Shh... Raja you did protect me, it was only the thought of you, which was keeping me sane, I knew you would come for me, I knew you would not let any harm come to me, I trust you Raja" Anjali said as she kissed the lone tear which had escaped his eye

And then Raja hugged her and silently cried on her shoulder, while she just patted his back

"I thought, I had lost you, when those goons told me that the bastard planned to marry you, among other disgusting things, I wanted to smash his skull to even think about it, Rani a live without you, I have already experienced that hell ones, I don't wish to even think about it again. Whenever I saw you with him, I just wanted to kill someone,  preferably him, but you were always convinced he was innocent, and he would cry his crocodile tears in front of you, while I like an idiot instead of telling you how I felt or making you understand my feelings, yelled and fought with you, to cover up my need for you, to not become vulnerable,  but Rani, I am, I am vulnerable and needy when it comes to you, I don't want anyone else near you or to look at you, or to keep you happy, I want you selfishly all for myself" Raja whispered still hugging her

"I was always yours Raja, never for a moment was there any other man in my life who I even thought could replace you, you were My Raja, the first person, who was my friend, my love, my husband, my everything,  how could you ever think you were replaceable, my entire world lies with you, my love" Anjali said, trying to calm him down, she could not stop a tear or two escaping her eyes as well

He slowly left her and looked at her face again, his eyes roaming over all her injuries

"Why did you stop me Rani, that bastard deserved to die!" Raja said

"And then what, should I have done? Wait for you to come back from jail, till we were old and gray,  no Raja I want to live with you, be with you"

Rajendra chuckled a little and Anjali smiled, listening him laugh

"Raja you have still not told me what happened to you, how did you escape them? And how did you find me?" Anjali asked

"Well you should know Rani by now, that I am the one and only Raja, and no one can beat me, your husband is very strong"

And the cocky Raja was back, Anjali sighed

"Raja!" Anjali said in a warning tone

"Okok, as you know I already felt something was very wrong with the whole set up, and I had absolutely no friendly feelings towards that fucker to cloud my judgment unlike a certain someone, so when I sat in the auto I had shared my live location with the commissioner"

"But they were not with you, when you came" Anjali said


"What Raja?" Anjali asked again she could sense something fishy

"Don't you dare lie to me" she warned

"Umm Rani, you should sleep, you need to rest to recuperate" he said

"And you need to be honest" Anjali snapped

"Well okay, okay dont get angry My Rani, the thing is I already beat them up and was on my way to where that bastard had kept you captive, and then you know the rest" he said hurriedly

"No, I don't know the rest, how did you know where to find me? And why did you ask me to call the police when you had already informed the commissioner"




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