chapter 22

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Anjali saw Rajendra's eyes carefully, it had pain, he could not see her due to the mirror partition only she could see him

His movements were jerky and he was fiddling with his hair

"You see Mrs.Rani-"

"It is Ms.Anjali" she corrected the doctor

The Doctor was staring at her as if she was some villainous creature, who was torturing her husband, Ha! Only if he knew

"Ms. Anjali we need your help to cure him, so if you could be gentle when you go and meet him" The doctor was using a appeasing tone with her

She did not reply

She went inside the room, where Rajendra was, still looking clueless

"Raj..endra" Anjali said to bring his attention towards her

He slowly turned his head, and looked at her.

"Rani you will always love me right?" Raja had asked her after their first fight as a married couple

Raja had been late, when they were suppose to go to a movie, Rani had prepared everything

But due to some urgent work he had been late and they had missed the movie, and now his Rani was angry with him

She looked cute as always, with her big eyes shooting daggers at him and had folded her hands , while showing her back to him

Raja was not sure whether he should appease her anger or enjoy her angry looks for some more time

But she was not talking to him and this he could not bear, how would he live without her continuous chatter?

He went and slowly sat next to her, and she again turned her face on the other side

Raja wanted to smile looking at her antics, but what if he offended her more?

Fine he knew how to make her talk to him

"My wife is angry with me, now what should I do ? Who will give me dinner?" He started saying loudly , but still no reaction from his Rani


He got up and started walking towards the kitchen "poor me, have to work day and night for my beautiful wife, but how cruel is she not even giving dinner to her adorable husband, have to make his own dinner also..." he said teasingly, but still no reaction

Fine it was time for the ultimate weapon

He switched on the gas

"Ah! I burned my hand!" He cried loudly

And as expected, immediately his Rani sprang up forgetting her anger and came running towards him

"How can you be so careless! Show me what you did Raja!" She started with her scolding , while inspecting his hand

"Where is the burn?" She asked finally looking at his face, when she could not find it

Raja smiled at her, "In my heart my Rani, since you won't talk to me!" He said

"You tricked me!" She said accusing

"Well I learnt it from you sweetheart, don't you remember how you tricked me back at our town" he said with a wink

"I am leaving you!" She said cutely and turned to go

But he could not bear the thought of his Rani leaving him, even as a joke

He hugged her tightly from behind "Don't ever say that! You can never leave me" he said seriously

"I was just joking" Rani had said  listening to his serious tone

"Don't even joke about it! Tell me you will never leave me!"


"Promise me! You will never leave me and always love me, no matter what!" He had urged her

How would he survive without his Rani how can she something like that soo casually

"Fine...fine I promise" she had promised while hugging him back

Ahh! This Pain ! What should he do ? This pain was not leaving him, why did he feel like his Rani was leaving him ?

He got up with a start, why was the whole room spinning? Where was he?

"Raj....endra" he heard a voice call out to him

His Rani, his wish, his blessing... it was definitely she

He turned to look at her

There she was standing dressed in white saree... just like in his dream when she was saying goodbye, she was looking at him, but there was emptiness in her eyes... the love which always reflected....where was it ?

But he was not letting her go this time! She will not leave him! And where was she till now!

He immediately got of the bed and ran towards her and hugged her tightly

"Where were you Rani? They ...they told me you .. But I did not believe it! Not for a second! When I am alive how can something happen to My Rani! I knew you will not leave me alone in this world! My Rani has promised me she will never leave me and always love me, no matter what" 

He was taking in her scent and holding her tightly...her smell her face...her hands.. her legs...her body... she was alive and in his arms ! And he was never letting her go ever again. She was his for this life and all the rest!

He caressed her cheeks and looked into her eyes... they were filed with unshed tears, ofcourse she was concerned about him, and she was not here with him for the past few days...she might be feeling guilty

He hugged her again tightly "It is okay Rani, even if you were not here for the past few days, I am not angry with you. I forgive you."

Rani pushed him away

"ENOUGH!" she shouted



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