chapter 57

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One thing I had wanted, only one thing Rani, Rajendra's Rani, that bastard always got what he wanted, he was born with a silver fucking spoon, what did he do? Only be born in the house of a respected man in town? What did he do be born before me? What did he ever do, to deserve Rani?

Since childhood, he had been hogging her attention and love, even when Rani would come to play with him, Rajendra used to get angry and Rani used to go to him, leaving him alone.

He had always been there, hasn't he? Whenever Rani required, However Rani required, but what did he get in return?

He was there when Rajendra made her cry, albeit in jealousy, he was there when Rajendra insulted her, though instigated by himself, he was there when Rajendra cheated on her, though not in the literal sense, he was fucking there


She chose him, every fucking time!

But not this time, this time, there will not be a choice but a compulsion, if she is not understanding when he is being Mr. Nice guy, then he has to be Mr. Bad guy.


"Raja we have to take him to the hospital!" Anjali cried when she saw her friend lying in the pool of blood

"Sure Rani, let me just go and check on him first" Rajendra was also shocked looking at Laxman like this.
Who had caused this? And why was he not already taken to the hospital?
And why were people just standing circling him, rather than calling for help?

"Rajaaa, please help him!" Anjali again cried

Rajendra walked towards Lucky, and everyone was just talking with each other, no one was doing anything to call the police or the ambulance.


He bent down, and placed two fingers under Lucky's nose, the bastard was alive, Ofcourse Rani and him will not have peace soo soon, Rajendra could hear Anjali's voice in his head, calling him a bad guy, well Rajendra wanted to kill Laxman himself, but he was more than happy if someone else did the job, but his wife was clearly not, she was screaming for help, and he did not like it, like fine they should save the bastard, but why get soo hyper about it...

"Raja, Raja, is he alright?" He felt Anjali's hand on his shoulder, and heard her panicked voice, which he did not like

Like, he has not died till now, just breathing has become little irregular, what is there to panic soo much?

"Rajendra! Answer me" Anjali shouted

"Yes, yes he is fine, still breathing, someone please call the police and ambulance" Rajendra said

But no one was paying any attention to them, all of them were just gossiping as if they had come to some tea party

And then one person came forward

"Woh actually Sahab (sir), there is no network here, we are unable to help this poor man " that man said, and then went back to his place in the crowd

What the hell was wrong with these people, it is true that, looking at Lucky no one would want to help him, there was something about him that was very repulsive, but that did not mean, he should be left to die, specially when Rani was standing on ones head to help Lucky

Rajendra sighed and got up

"You heard them Rani, there is genuinely no network here, we cannot call for any ambulance or police all we can do is go back and call for help" Rajendra said calmly

"Raja have you lost your mind! We should take him with us, we will get him operated in any near by hospital or infirmary on the way" Anjali said, still worried about her friends' condition

"But I just got a new car, and it has white seats" Rajendra whined

"Rajendra!" Anjali shouted at him, he was behaving immature, someone's life is at stake here

"Fine, fine" Raja, turned towards the car

"Rani, Rani look" Rajendra hurried towards Anjali, all the four tires of their car was punctured

"Rani you come with me, we will call a doctor, and come back again, this place does not seem right" Rajendra said finally

There was something definitely wrong, there was no one helping and now all the tires of his car were punctured suddenly, and icing on the cake there was also no network

"Madam, please don't leave your friend in this condition, this man can go and fetch a doctor you should stay with your friend he is bleeding profusely" a lady came and took Rani with her, Rajendra was not liking this at all

"No Rani, you are coming with me, how can I leave you in this strange place, with these strangers, there is also no network" Rajendra said, as he grabbed Anjali's hand

"But Raja, there is no one with Lucky" Anjali protested

"I don't care Rani, and this time you will listen to me, you will come with me, I am not letting you go to that fake bastard again" Rajendra said, as he dragged Anjali with him

"But Raja-"

"Not one more word Rani! Not one more word!" Raja said

And Anjali knew when she should keep quite

But now the question arose how should they go to fetch a doctor, they can certainly not go on foot in this highway type area

They tried to catch autos but none were ready to take them, had the world lost its humanity completely

Then after 20-25 minutes an auto finally stopped but there was only one seat left in it, there were already 3 ugly looking man seated at the back and the only place available was beside the driver

"Aap chaliye bhaiya" Rajendra said letting the auto go

(Please go brother)

"Raja, have you lost it we are already standing here since past 30 minutes and now only at last we have got an auto, how can you let him die like that"

"Rani I am telling you something is not right!" Rajendra said, something was not sitting well with him

"Yes, yes you are absolutely right, something is not right, your head is not right! Go with these people they will drop you at some hospital or clinic go!" Anjali said, shouting at Rajendra

And then she literally pushed him inside, time was crucial, Laxman was injured badly, how can he just stand there and talk soo casually, he should help him out, also these people!

"Common people, please help me shift him somewhere else, have you all lost your humanity completely!" Anjali said, as she bent down to help Lucky in a more comfortable position, or to atleast stop the bleeding, he will die like this

Anjali was trying to pick him, or atleast check him, when she heard his voice

"Ahh! I thought he would never leave, your guard dog!"



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