chapter 30

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The interview arrangement  of Yolo News was top notch just how it should ought to be. There was a blue stage at the center with a white sofa and white chair placed for comfortable seating. There was also a coffee table on the side.

Staff of the news channel were running here and there to make last minute arrangements.

Yolo news only interviewed the rich and famous, anyone who was someone and Rajendra was the one they were behind for a long time for an exclusive interview and finally he has decided to do it

But why was it with her as the Central topic

She sat amongst the audience waiting for the interview to start the the cameras were ready and the lights were adjusted.

The host finally appeared looking suave. Mr.Anuj, he is the most sought after host in the country. They are really going all out for a gossip interview.

Why are people so interested in other peoples lives and most importantly their personal lives. Let your houses burn but your neighbours house must have a spark atleast is the moto for most people nowadays

Finally Rajendra was introduced and his eyes were searching in the audience. Anjali had purposely picked the most inconspicuous seat to avoid unnecessary attention. She was sitting on the last row in a dark corner seat and till now she was undetected just as she wanted

Suddenly Rajendra's searching eyes stopped wandering around and was again focused on the host. Who had begun his subtle questions which seemed harmless on the surface.

"Mr.Rajendra we hear that you had a happy marriage and you married a nobody girl from your hometown"
Mr.Anuj asked

"Yes I did,I did marry a girl from a hometown and she is everything to me, my life, my wish" Rajendra said

What the hell was he playing at? I am his life ? His wish? He did say that quiet often but why did he forget it then when he was with Mrs.Nova ? Why was she not good enough when they were married?

"Okay it seems I have offended you Mr.Rajendra but based on the rumors were you not involved with Mrs.Nova, the wife of your business colleague or was it a rival?"  He asked with a smirk

Anjali saw Rajendra flinch at the question but that name Mrs.Nova was bound to come up in this public humiliation, why was he just not clarifying today's headlines and get it over with why was there a need to take a dig in their past

"She was a good friend and nothing more" Rajendra stated

"But the facts says otherwise Mr.Rajendra we have seen you with her on multiple occasions attending parties or business dinners, there were even talks about you divorcing the country girl to marry the beautiful and worldly Mrs.Nova" he said

What was this guy digging for? May be she should just leave! It still pained her when such things were brought up, she thought she was over it! But may be she was not

"I would never divorce My wife for anyone and her name is Anjali not some country girl! "

What crap is he babbling about now we have already divorced he should just admit it so these people will leave us be in peace

"But you have not resided together for years now right?"


She could see the strained expression on his face, Rajendra had never liked such kind of shows where peoples personal lives were ripped apart for everyone's enjoyment. Why did he agree to it in 1st place?

"Then is the rumor true that you have decided to go back to your first wife?" The interviewer asked

Rajendra was clenching his fist, to stop himself from hitting the man in front of him. Anjali could see he was angry and with each question his anger was rising

"She is my only wife!" Rajendra said with clenched teeth

"It seems we have angered Mr.Rajendra? Have we not?" The host asked to the public

Was their private life a mockery to these people?

"Mr.Anuj I think the right questions should have been if I loved my wife? Yes. If I plan to woo her back? Yes. Will she accept me? Hopefully. Will I win her trust again? I am determined to. Did I divorce her? Never.

But the questions you asked were degrading to my wife's dignity and I never forgive when anything or anyone harms my Rani, so be prepared for the consequences" Rajendra said in a cold tone

As he got up from his seat the host had seemed to finally recover from his shock

"Mr.Rajendra let's face it you have not resided with your wife for years now and you had an affair with Mrs.Nova for your personal gains, or was it your wife who actually had an affair? " he said in a malicious tone

Rajendra turned back and punched him on his face

He held the host by his collar as if to punch him again but stopped

"We have not been together for 2 years, 3 months and 4 days now but I will rectify that soon! And if I hear one more filthy word from your mouth about MY RANI you will see what her Raja can do! You piece of shit!" He threw him on the floor

Rajendra walked towards the audience and towards her. How did he spot her? She was pretty hidden was she not?

He sat down on his haunches in front of her and took her hands in his

"Remember Rani! You are my Life and My wish and I have lived long enough without you, so be ready to come back to your Raja now, yes!"



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