chapter 50

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To My Rani
Date: 15th March 2021

I remember the day I saw you, you were in Rekha ma's arms wrapped in a white blanket, looking so small and pink, and when I called you  Rani you opened your tiny eyes, and looked at me, and gave me a toothless smile, and I fell in love.

Even when I was too young to understand what was love, your mere existence filled me with joy. I used to sit for hours and just look at you, Rekha ma used to leave you in my care, knowing very well when that when a Raja is looking after his Rani no one would dare touch her. And she used to give me a sweet every time I helped her look after you, but she didn't know she had assigned me my favourite task, that is to just look at you. My baby Rani who used to sleep most of the day and smile when she opened her eyes and found me near her.

My wish had come true afterall, I had always wished that you would come into my life. And then When we grew up you became my everything, you were sun to my rainy days, you were the hope to my despair, you were the sugar in my dessert, you were salt in my life and you were moon of my nights, everything was perfect with you and nothing was bearable without you, after a tough day at school when you used to run to me with your tiny legs, calling me "Laja, Laja" was the moment I waited for everyday. Your grin when you saw me, made me feel like the king of the world.

When you used to wait for me, to finish my homework so I could play with you. When you used to not leave my side, until you knew I had eaten, and when you never left my hand on the first day of your school, putting all your trust in an 8 years old boy, to protect you. That day I felt I was the strongest person on earth.

Do you remember Rani when that guy, what was his name again? Aryan, yea right, he had tried to bully you, and you had run to my class with your watery eyes and nose running, puffed cheeks abd out of place hair, I had seen red. All I wanted to do was kill that bastard. But I think you understood that I was the one behind his different face and personality the other day, because you had smirked looking at him and held my hand tightly. My little Rani was growing up.



To My Rani
Date: 20th May 2021

We were soo happy Rani, when you had placed first in your class and I had asked you for your wish? And you had told me, that I should marry you. Me being 13 and you being 8, I was shocked beyond belief, but I could never say no to my Rani, and the smile you gave me that day, is always etched in my heart.

But then Laxman came into our lives. I was never able to admit it and am still trying to come to terms with it. I never liked that guy. Majorly because I did not like any guy around you, and he was the persistent one. My threats did not seem to work on him, it only made him more determined, and you being the sweetheart you were thought of him as your friend, that leech, how could he be your friend.

That was the first time we had fought against each other and not for each other, because that damn boy thought just because he was your classmate he had the right to play with you. Why would my Rani play with anyone else, when she had her Raja, at her beck and call. Well some people, you give them a finger they will ask for your hand, and the is what that Laxman is.

My Rani was soo innocent, she had no idea what the leech was like. I remember when he had come to meet me and ask me, how he can be good friends with you. And I had hit him. And you had berated me for it. Honestly Rani I was hurt too, why did my Rani need someone else when I was there with her and for her. I still recall your cute attempts to pacify my anger

How you had sat beside me near the lake and sang a very bad song, my Rani has a lot of virtues but singing was definitely not one of them. Only I know how I controlled my laughter that day. And then you had shown me your big puppy eyes knowing very well I was a sucker for them. Now that I think about it, may be My Rani is not that innocent after all. But then my Rani is perfect for me. Innocent or not.

Do you remember Rani when I had to praise your singing to keep you happy as you had this grand dream of being a singer. Padmini maa and Rekha maa used to shout at me soo much saying

"Tujhe us kagli ko sunna hai to sun, par humare kaan ko baksh dene bol usse" (if you want to listen to do that crow, crowing than listen, but tell her to leave our ears alone.)

And then I had to eventually tell you that, you could not be a singer and how upset you had got with me, I had to bribe you with chocolates and promises of play dates. I still remember your pout, when you had finally came out of your room on my threat, that if you do not come out now, I'll go away forever. You had looked soo cute with your angry eyes, red nose, puffy cheeks and pouty lips complaining to me in your small voice

"That's not fair Raja"

But Rani I was never fair when it came to you. My Rani




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