chapter 52

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To My Rani
Date: 3rd August 2022

Today, you were dressed in a black salwar and had kohl in your eyes, you had also applied lipstick, you had worn oxidized earrings with a peacock pattern, and a matching neck piece. You had also worn silver footwear and your handbag was again black, a small one. Your eyes were shining with determination and your lips were stretched in a smile.

My warrior was ready to face the world. I am soo proud of you Rani. I know you will succeed in every field you desire. Your desire is my command Rani, and I will fulfill it. You know your Raja can go to any limits to fulfill his Rani's demand, and for the first time, I am happy that I am Rajendra Sahab, I am able to assist even from afar, that is more than enough for me.

Today is your first day at your new job and you look soo happy and determined. I always want to see you like this, I just wish that you get all the success in this world. I wish I could feed you with Dahi Shakkar with my own hands on your first day, but I fear I have lost that right. But remember Rani it is only temporary. I will feed you Dahi Shakkar with my own hands when you open your very own boutique. In fact I have also purchased a place for it. Just Rani, now all is left is too grovel on my knees for my forgiveness.

But Rani don't forgive me soo easily, torture me all you want, but just don't go to that irritating Lucky. He is no longer the Laxman we knew in our small town, he has changed but then who knows it better than you and me about people changing, but Rani one thing you should have known, should have never doubted, was my love for you, even if today someone says that sun will set in the east it is believable but if someone says Raja has stopped loving his Rani, it is impossible.

Forgive me sweetheart for everything. Come back to your Raja, everyday I see you, it is my ardent wish that your smiles will be mine again, your beautiful eyes will look at me again, with the same adoration which got lost somewhere in the despair I caused you, your beautiful hands will touch me again, your beautiful face would be my to adore and when you walk again, it will be towards your Raja and never away from him.

Come back to me Rani, Please



To My Rani
Date: 4th November 2023

I tried Rani, I really tried to stay away from you, but now this separation has become a physical pain for me, this compulsion of adoring you from afar, to look at you but not touch you, to ear your voice but not listen to you, to look at you smiling at someone else and not even see me, I cannot tolerate it any longer Rani.

One more day of separation and I will die, I need you. Period.

And as you know your selfish Raja, always gets what he wants. I know you may hate me for this, I know you think you don't love me anymore and I know you are angry on me but I feel make everything alright, I will make you love me again, I will abate your anger and I will love you soo much that you will have no option but to forgive me.

I may have to strong arm you, I know very well my stubborn Rani will fight me all the way, until I am on my knees, and I will get on knees for my queen, but not before you return to me, I know if you find even a small chink in my armour you will not return to me, soo I will be the heartless and careless and selfish Raja ones again, only to get my queen back

I know the court will favour me, on paper we are still married, how could you ever think I would sign those abdominal papers is beyond me, just the thought of those papers makes me want to create havoc, soo that only you and I remain, and no one else.

If you ever know the scale of my love for you, and to what extent I can go, to keep you with me, you might run away from me, but I will never give you that chance. Because Rani when you I thought you had died I wanted to join you even in the afterlife, soo how would I ever stay away from you when you are right in front of me

These 3 years have been nothing but torture for me, the stolen glaces were a poor substitute of what I wanted, and now I'll claim it back, I'll make you mine again, in every way possible, no matter what, I'll love you soo deeply that no one else will ever be able to breach the walls of your heart which I will be the guard of, no one and I mean it no one!



Anjali had no idea what these were, the letters were her Raja, his feeling which he never spoke about, even when they were kids, she was always the one to express her love freely, while he was always conservative, she knew he had loved her, her Raja had always loved her, but to this extent?

When had he written these letters? And why had he never given them to her? And were there more?

Anjali did not know, till when she was crying reading them

"My god Rani!? What happened why are you crying? Are you hurt some where? Did some one do something to you?" She heard Rajendra's panicked voice, when he saw her seating on the floor with huge tears rolling down her cheeks

"Please say something Rani, I am getting scared! What happened did something happen? Was it something maa said? Was it something I said? Is it something I did?" He asked again, taking her on his lap, trying to console her, he wiped his tears, but still Anjali was not saying anything

"Rani please? Is it my fault? Please" Rajendra asked again, who was now desperate looking at his inconsolable wife

Finally Anjali turned and slapped him on his chest, hard!

"Of course it is you! It is always you! It has always been you, I hate you!"



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