chapter 38

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Anjali made her way slowly towards the table, all the eyes turned towards her, even the small group of admirers of Mrs.Nova, could not take their eyes off her.

Usually she did not encourage such attention and had usually dressed and behaved very demure in order to not attract unwanted attention, but today she reveled in it

She gave a beautiful smile to all those who were staring at her, and this seemed to encourage few people

As she sat on a table right across Rajendra and slutty Nova, few people joined her

"You are looking breadth taking today Ms.Anjali" one of the tech guy said, Anjali could not recall his name.

"Ms.Anjali shall I bring breakfast for you?"

"Ms.Anjali would you like to have juice"

"Ms.Anjali, how about a coffee first?"

Anjali controlled her laughter, just looking at the face of Mrs.Nova was worth it! The lady was still trying to look composed, only a single man was at her table now and it seemed his loyalty was induced by fear rather than genuine admiration

Mrs.Nova's face tightened as if it was a mask, her lips got pressed in a thin line, her eyes blazed, which she covered quite efficiently but Anjali could see the anger burning in her eyes. Wonderful!

But this was not she wanted, to actually rile her up, Anjali needed the attention of a particular someone, and when she glanced at him, he was staring no glaring right back at her. Perfect! Just one more nudge from her side and he is going to stock over to her and behave exactly as she wanted him to.

"Yes, Mr. Shah, why not?" She placed a hand on his shoulder, and smiled at him sweetly.

Anjali had no idea what that man had spoken but he looked very encouraged by her words as he almost hugged her, almost!, because as she had expected. Rajendra had intercepted him, and had twisted Mr.Shah's hand painfully, though Mr.Shah tried his best to mask his wince of pain.

"I think Ms.Anjali did not hear your question properly, she would not like to bless you with her gracious company to Tiger Point" Rajendra said, stressing on the 'gracious company'

Oh is that what he had asked, damn atleast I got saved, I should pay attention on what is being said from now on

"Mr.Rajendra" I smiled at him

He looked taken aback, by my smile.

"Mr.Rajendra why don't you join us for breakfast?" I said cordially, still with the smile in place

"I would love to join only you for breakfast Ms.Anjali" he said

Arrogant Raja!

"Well that would be rude" I said still with a smile, though my eyes flashed warning at him, did he had stomp on the olive branch

"I only do exclusivity Ms.Anjali, in all areas of my life" he said in a silky tone

Exclusivity! My foot!

My god! I could feel the blood pounding in my ears as anger rushed through me

He is an accomplished liar, hell with him

Just when Anjali was about to snap at him to leave her alone. Her eyes flicked to Mrs.Nova, she seemed way to interested in their transaction

Just as Anjali wanted

She again pasted a wide smile, though it was very clear she had murder in her eyes

"Mr.Rajendra" she said with gritted teeth "I don't have the heart to ask these nice people to leave, when they have all been so courteous, which I cannot say for a particular person" she said, still with barely leashed anger

"Don't you worry Ms.Anjali, I'll do it" he said

And he turned to the few people who were still sitting looking at us like we were their favourite movie

"Please Leave" Rajendra said softly, he did not raise his voice, but it sounded more like a command than a request as people quickly scrambled of their seats and without another word left

Rajendra very casually sat in front of me, as he had all the right to do so, after he scared away the rest of the party.

Anjali saw Mrs.Nova still sitting there observing them

Did that woman had no life of her own?

"Mr.Rajendra, that was rude " Anjali said still with a fake smile

"Who told you I was polite, when it came to anything concerning you Rani" He said, still with a warning tone in his voice

"I told you to stop calling me that" Anjali hissed

"Not until I die" Rajendra said, with a finality in his voice

Ahhh! Why was he so infurating

Anjali took a deep breadth to calm herself

"I am hungry and I want food and since you scared away such nice men, you will bring me food! I want, Idli"

"Mam" A waiter came and served idlis, with hot sambhar and cutney

"I want dosa" Anjali said

And dosa was served

"poha, baked beans, toast, chips, coffee, omelette...."

Everything was there on her table in the blink of an eye, as if they already knew what she would order

"And a blueberry muffin" Rajendra said as a waiter deposited it on our table

He knew me! He knew me too well! Rajendra did this, he already knew what I would want to eat and had already arranged it

Don't get weak Anjali! Anjali scolded herself

"My Rani gets what she wants, when her Raja is at her command" he said with the same boyish grin, which made her heart flutter, correction which used to make her heart flutter, who was she kidding!?

She averted her gaze from him and Mrs.Nova had already left

"I am not hungry anymore!" She said and she dropped her napkin on the table and left, she did see Rajendra's sad eyes as she got up without eating and her heart gave a little squeeze, Shit! She needs to leave, soon

She ignored her heart which was responsible for her current state and made her way to the reception.

"I hope my bags are deposited in the car?" She asked the reception, and after taking the number of the car and she went towards the front door of the hotel where the car was waiting for her

She slid in the back seat, of the car, when a familiar cologne assailed her senses, no she is overthinking this is not possible

"Welcome aboard Rani!" Rajendra turned and grinned at her



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