chapter 27

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2 years later

"Ms. Anjali the boss wants you" Mr.Adhvik said

Anjali had just reached her office, the place where she first started to smile and laugh after a long time, the place where she made friends, some of them even long lasting relations and Mr.Adhvik was one such friend he was in his 40's with a wife and two lovely children, he adored his wife and children whatever happened he was always available for them,in fact even Rewa his wife treated Anjali as family though at the beginning it took a lot of time to clear to her that Mr.Adhvik just saw her as a colleague and friend and she was not some young house wrecker. She laughed fondly at the memory, at how long it had taken for Mr.Adhvik to Convince his wife not to divorce him and that he was still madly in love with him and what will he do without her, it was exactly what she had thought would be the future of him and herself some 20 years down the line

It has been bloody two years why did she still think of him ? What was wrong with her?

"Aren't you my boss Mr.Adhvik" she said with a smile

"Haha very funny Missy, I meant the big boss" he said and left to do his work

Anjali knocked on the door of Miss.Shanaya who was the Manager of her company

After hearing a "come in" she entered her boss's cabin

Miss.Shanaya always seemed an imposing figure with her no nonsense business suits her cat eyes glasses her bold make up and killer heels . She was in her mid 30's and unmarried and content at least she appeared to be. Even today she was dressed in a sky blue suit with bold red lipstick and bold red heels.

"Good morning Mam" Anjali greeted her with a polite smile

Though Miss.Shanaya looked strict but she was fair and considerate she always gave everyone what they were worth and always fired anyone who tried to pull any kind of 'Nonsense in her workplace' as she liked to put it.

"Good Morning Anjali, as you know that we will be organising a fashion show in three months time, I want you to handle it this time, you'll get a good bonus for its success, you may go now" and just like that Anjali was dismissed, by now she was used to the brisk manner of Miss.Shanaya, but still it took sometime for her to process about what was being said here, she was to handle the next big event, the biggest event of their company! She had assisted before, but never headed and an event of this scale? Why she?

"So what did the Big Boss say?" Mr.Adhvik asked her when she came out from the cabin

"I am..I am to head and organize the event in 3 months time" Anjali said still little dazed

"Oh how wonderful! I knew she would see your potential and give you a break!" He said clapping her shoulders with pride, as if she was his very own daughter

Anjali sat on her desk and smiled and then that turned into a giggle and then full blown laughter, was she happy? Or was it stress? Or was it sadness

3 months passed by real quick for her after all she was very very busy with all the preparations for the big even, contacting models, approving outfits, coordinating with the legal team to draw contracts, coordinating with the event venue, the list was endless and she had thrown herself completely in her work

As the D-day approached so did her anxieties

What if something happened at the Venue?

What if the model tripped?

What if there was traffic on the day and people could not make it?

What if some designer got offended?

What if's and what if's

All random thoughts and scenarios possible passed through her head and she also earned herself a nickname

"Miss.Pressure Cooker"

Well whatever

Today was the day, the event which would decide her fate!

"Are you ready Anjali?" Her mother asked popping inside her room

She was dressed in a golden saree, to go with shimmer and bling theme of their event and Anjali herself had dressed in a silver gown with sequence work it was a short at the front while sweeping at the back, it was the first time she had ventured something so bold but she needed it tonight, to look confident and shiny

"Yes Ma, lets leave"

She drove them to the Venue .

As they got down , there were cameras flashing everywhere, taking pictures of the rich and famous for their headlines tomorrow, just as she had organized them

She smiled with satisfaction and escorted her mother inside

Lucky was already waiting there for them, with a smile, he looked dapper on his grey dress suit

"Oh Beautiful ladies finally made it!" He said with a wink and smile

Anjali then took the lead and made them seat comfortably at their designated spot and went backstage for supervision, just to check if everything was as it ought to be

"Ms.Anjali you are here finally!"  Kirti said, she was looking stressed and somewhat haggard, she was an intern with a passion to work along with Kartik both the interns wanted to learn and experience and at times caused more trouble than solving them but Anjali did not have the heart to fire them, being eighteen and hopeful was a very precious thing

"What is it Kirti?" She asked, she was looking almost close to tears

"The Models" she said

And Anjali went to solve the crisis

The event was about to start in ten minutes time, and Anjali was suppose to open the event

"Ms.Anjali everyone have been seated and everyone have been served drinks and ..... well .... everyone has settled" Kartik said looking as haggard as Kirti

Anjali smiled at him " ok Kartik, now Kirti and You may go and have something to eat or rest as you wish"

"Thank you! Ms.Anjali" he looked relieved beyond world and sat on the ground itself

She took a deep breadth and went on the stage

She can do it! She just had to look at a point somewhere in distance, don't look at the people staring at her!

Anjali practiced her smile and then climbed the stage

"Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman" she began her most professional smile in its place

And she fixed her eyes at the bar where a lone man was sitting and drinking, his black suit hugging his muscular shoulders

And then when she began her well practised opening speech, the man turned, he raised his glass towards Anjali in appreciation and smiled, with an eyebrow raised




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