chapter 60

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Anjali knew, she had to wait, she was sitting in the room which was her prison with her leg still shackled, in the bridal clothes which Lucky had sent, with someone and had then forced her into it

She was bidding her time, the more she would protest the Angrier he would get

Every breadth in her body was praying for Raja to be safe, as time passed by more than her own safety her fear for her Raja had multiplied, what if something had happened to him? What if Lucky had actually managed to kill him?

No she would not go there, never

Suddenly she was broken out of her thoughts, as there was a lot of noise from outside.

Anjali took a deep breadth, anytime now Lucky would barge in, she would kill herself before she let him touch her, or force her in matrimony, the moment he frees her from this room she would run or kill him or herself. Rani was always Raja's and will always be. Even at the most darkest of times this truth had not wavered and will not be maligned now either

She sat there, trying to compose herself, she had to, she however was sitting like a statue, she would not show any weakness anymore, she would-

The door burst open, and ....Raja stood there,with blood dripping from his arms and face, and he was looking at her his eyes still unfocused

The moment Anjali saw him, she could not hold back her tears any longer, she started crying, the sobs wrecked her body

"Rajaa" she whispered, and that seemed to mobilize him, he ran towards her

"Rani! Rani are you alright? Please tell me you are alright! What the hell did that bastard do!? Tell me Rani? Did he hurt you?" Raja said, as he
Hugged her tightly, and that calmed her.

Anjali could feel safe again, as she felt the familiar warmth and strength surround her, she closed her eyes as more tears escaped.

He then checked her for injuries and then he touched her face, and arms, and she could not help but wince in pain, when he touched her bruised cheeks and the small cut on her lips

"He did this." Rajendra stated with dreadful calmness, there was murder in his eyes, his eyes had turned cold, all the warmth disappearing

"Raja, Raja this is not important, please let us just go" Anjali said, trying to calm the rage, which she knew was burning inside him

"He hurt you Rani, My Rani" he stated

Again as if he was talking to himself more than her

"Raja, Raja, please " Anjali tried again, and then she took his face and made him concentrate on her

"Please Raja, I am very injured, won't you take me to a doctor" she cajoled him. Wiping her tears, she knew what Raja could do, he had nearly beat a boy to death ones in college only because he had accidentally pushed Anjali and she had to be hospitalised

Raja immediately got up and tried to carry her,

"No Raja, I....." Anjali tried to stop him,

but as he tried to pick her up, the heavy skirt which she was wearing lifted and he saw the chain which tied her leg with the bed post

He bent down, and looked at chain, and then he looked at her, and the he saw her tears, and then he grabbed the ring imprisoning her ankle and then he broke it, freeing her

"Stay her My Rani" he said then, patting her head and hugging her ones again

Anjali was too shocked to react, how did he do that?

And where did he go now?

And how did he come here?

Is he alright? Was he not injured? What about the goons which Lucky had sent with him?

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