chapter 28

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She will not let him affect her anymore, she will not be the weak and meek Rani whose whole world revolved around her Raja, she will be the Anjali she is proud of

So what if he was sitting there? So what if he was looking at her with a longing gaze? So what if he looked tired and sad? So what if...

She was again doing it!

She became aware of the audience who were looking at her and some who had even started whispering among themselves! She cannot be a fool again. She refuses to be made a fool again!

"Ladies and Gentleman, Welcome to the 11th DS Designs Fashion Gala, hope you will enjoy it and share your rich experience and influential presence to....."

Anjali stepped down from the stage after she finished her opening speech

The event was proving to be a huge success, people were congratulating her, even her boss had nodded in approval on her greeting, the event was going to wrap up soon, and she had done everything in her power to avoid a certain someone, she had already sent her mother home after the first two hours, she had not wanted her mother to be upset in case something happened, stupid Anjali still making adjustments

Lucky was waiting for her near the bar, with a proud smile on his face

"Well done Anjali!" He said clapping her back

"Thanks Lucky" she said with a smile

"Rani" would her fear come true? Why was he here? She knew he had come today as one of the  influential and elite businessman, to support their event, but Anjali just could not remember who invited him?

His voice, he was standing behind her, close, very close

She took a deep breadth and put on her perfect practiced, professional smile and turned

"Yes, Mr. Rajendra how are you this evening? Hope you are enjoying the event"

He looked paler up close, his hands were behind his back, he was wearing his black suit, with a red tie, with red strips, her favourite tie.

"Rani we" he said

"Sorry Mr.Rajendra I think, you are looking for someone else, if I can help you to find her let me know, but as far as I know she died two years back, or is there some other Rani which I am unaware of?" Anjali said

Rajendra swallowed and his eyes twitched

"I think Anjali we should go" Laxman said, he put his arms around her shoulder, to guide her away from him

"You will not touch my wife! And specially not in front of me if you do not have a death wish!"

The idiot man had raised his voice and now people were looking at them with some curiosity, they were attracting their own audience

"She is no longer your wife!" Lucky said

"She will always be my wife! My Rani!" Rajendra responded

"Have you forgotten Rajendra, she has divorced you!" Laxman's voice was increasing and so was the crowd

"But I have not divorced her! And who are you to question me?!" He responded

Why were these two idiots shouting! This was an event and she was the organizer, if this continues her event would be a fail and so would she. She will not let someone ruin her life again

"Stop it!" Anjali shouted, today was a very important day of her life and she was in control!

And somehow, there was a hush, in fact you could drop a pin and you will hear it

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