chapter 35

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"Anjali are you really going to stay with that Rajendra? Do you still love him?" Laxman asked

He was sounding annoyed and angry, and rightly so

Anjali knew that Lucky cared for her and his worry was valid, but this time she was going to teach Rajendra a lesson.

"Of course not Lucky, I don't love him"

"Then why are you bending down in front of his whims, he was always like this dominating you" Lucky said

"Don't worry Lucky, I am not the same Anjali, and please I don't want to discuss Rajendra anymore, why don't we order something,  the waiters are hovering and I think they are suspicious that we are just here for chit-chat" Anjali said, hoping to lighten the atmosphere, and it did make Lucky smile

"Anjali you know, I am only concerned about you" Lucky said and he placed his hand over Anjali's on the table

"I know Lucky, that you care about me, but I know what I am doing, I am no longer that starry eyed girl"

"But Rani, do you really want to even look at that guy's face, he cheated on you Rani and has no guilt about it"

"Lucky I am tired, I don't want to discuss him anymore, I have come to have a nice meal with my friend, can we please just do that?"

And she slipped her hand out of his

Rajendra was sitting there trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.

He wanted to kill Laxman, that slimy bastard

And What did he mean that he dominated her? He, Rajendra only loved his Rani, no one was ever there except her, she was his one and only, he did goof up, but he was going to make amends

His Rani said she did not love him, it pained him, but he deserved it, he had hurt her, he had hurt his Rani, and for that her Raja had paid, still paying, but before anything else he needed her back, near him

Finally he was able to live again, when she was safely in their home, her home, she was the queen, and there is no King without a queen and he understood that, albeit late, but a lesson well learnt

And this Laxman he was saying he cared about her? What crap, He has to show true colors of Laxman to his Rani, he was a cunning bastard

"Sir may I take your order?" The waiter came again, to ask

Rajendra sighed "whatever that lady is having" he said pointing at Anjali

"Are you sure sir?"

Rajendra nodded

The waiter looked perplexed for a second and then nodded and left

They were talking and laughing and Rajendra's grip had tightened considerably on the butter knife

What was there to laugh and talk about soo much? He did not understand, she had stopped talking completely with him

What should he do? What will make Anjali forgive him?

The waiter came and kept raw Brinjal in front of him

Ahh yes! Anjali loved this weird food, she had this as raw onions with her food and at times only ordered this with pickle

He remembered he had ones shouted at her, for ordering this at a 5 star hotel, as it seemed people were giving her weird looks for it and then he had forbidden Brinjal in their home, and Rani had agreed, without a fight though she had tears in her eyes.

Stupid Rajendra, always hurt his Rani, in order to protect her from ridicule, he had hurt her, instead he should have stood by her side.

"What are you doing here?"

Rajendra snapped out of his memory to see Anjali standing there with a shocked expression, thank god that Laxman was not near her

"Having Lunch" he answered slowly

"Rajendra you know what I am asking, and why are you having that?" She asked pointing at the raw brinjal and pickle which I was having

"I am having Lunch My Rani, I have a business meeting near by and as for this, it is my favourite since last two years" Rajendra said

His Rani was giving him a 'I don't believe you expression' and he just smirked

He purposely took another brinjal slice and dipped it in pickle and put it in his mouth and slurped his lips

"Yum" he said

"You have gone insane" Anjali said

"Ofcourse any man will seeing his wife holding hands with another man" Rajendra said

"Not again Rajendra, and what I do with anyone is not your concern anymore" Anjali snapped

"I think you have forgotten my dearest wish that we are still husband and wife, and I have a courts order to prove that" he winked

What had happened to him? Anjali was not understanding this new Rajendra, usually he would have shouted and snapped and dragged her, but he was sitting calmly and just smirking at her, and what the hell was he eating? He hated it, he had shouted at her for having it and here he was peacefully chewing at the pickled brinjal while constantly looking at her

"Whatever" she said, she turned to leave

"Won't you join me my dear wish?" He said still smiling like an idiot

"No Thanks"

He shrugged his shoulders "Your loss" he had another one

Anjali left from there

She went back home alone as Laxman had some urgent business to do

When she reached home at the same time she saw Rajendra also entering

"You had a meeting, did you not?" She asked

"It got canceled" he said

"How convenient" Anjali murmured under her breadth

He just chuckled

"Dear wish, my Rani, we are going on a trip tomorrow, urgent business and before you argue, it is necessary because it is a business trip where your company also needs a representative and so does mine" he finished his monologue

"Why are you going? You are the boss, you can ask any of your employees to go" Anjali said

She knew about the trip, she was going to go tomorrow anyway, and she had not felt it necessary to tell him about it

"My Rani, I have ignored many responsibilities and have lost my dearest wish ones, now I am not going to be irresponsible about anything anymore, and moreover how can I leave my queen alone" he said still smiling

"Please leave this queen alone, she does not need anyone" Anjali said, irritated by his change in demeanor

"Yes, queen does not, but the king needs his queen, craves his queen, is nothing without her" saying that he left from there

Anjali just stood there, confused



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