chapter 16

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This feeling, when you are in a state of semi consciousness,  when you feel detached from the world, Anjali was trapped in such feeling

She knew she was rushed to the hospital, she also knew that Rajendra was there with her.

How strange it was even after the humiliation and betrayal she was still able to sense him, he was still a part of her, how was it possible?

She was drifting and fighting with consciousness, may be even with death itself.

"Please save her doctor!" She could hear a pleading voice. It was full of agony and pain

"Save her doctor, my life will be meaningless without her, she is my only wish and blessing" Rajendra's voice, but how could it be, why would he care, why would he come? How heart was always able to conjure the person it wants, no matter what.

Anjali could feel pain, but was it just physical?

"I am sorry Mr.Rajendra,  but she had slipped into coma, the patient is not responding to medication, we will advice to let her go peacefully" ahh peace, the word , with all its glorified meanings

"NO!, No matter what, my Rani will not leave me. She will not break her promise, call for the best doctors, do anything you have to, she will not leave me! I will not let her!" There was anguish in the voice

And then peace, peace from everything

May be finally she would have peace, and happiness, happiness that elusive emotion which never stays with anyone for long, but after death it would right? Death is supposed to bring peace.....

A year later

Discomfort, everything was aching, Anjali's head, her hands, her legs, her whole body was in pain, She was still alive was her first thought, the pain was a very vivid indicator of that, her second thought was she was thirsty

Anjali, tried to open her eyes, though it was a big task, her eyelids refused to cooperate at first, but somehow she was finally able to open them in tiny slits

"Water..." she murmured

A nurse who was sitting beside her, and reading a newspaper, looked startled hearing her voice, she dropped the paper

She was staring at her in some surprise

Anjali was very thirsty

"Water" she murmured again

The nurse immediately jumped to her feet and went near a machine to bring her water

She helped Anjali sit up, and made her drink water, slowly

"I'll call the doctor" she said happily, as if seeing Anjali awake had brought her great joy

As Anjali took in, her surroundings, it was clear she was in a hospital an expensive one at that, she was the only patient in the opulent hospital room, the walls were white, the drapes were white, there were few machines surrounding her, the bed in which she was sitting, was big enough to fit 2 more people.

It was air-conditioned room, with a Television set attached to a wall, VIP Ward was it?

Somewhere she could hear some noises

"Yes his wife has finally gained consciousness"

"Mr. Rajendra that business tycoon?"

Anjali picked up the paper abandoned by the nurse

On the front page, there was a large picture of Rajendra


It was a picture of him dressed quite dashingly in a grey suit and on his arm was ....Mrs.Nova.

Anjali was smiling looking at the picture Rajendra does indeed has it all, though her eyes were no longer teary, they was anger in them, anger directed at him and her.

It was Rajendra she had trusted, it was he who had let a third person come in between them, and it was Anjali herself who had endured it with faint hopes, she had, had let herself weak

A single tear blotted the paper in front of her

She quickly dashed it away, enough!

A doctor came rushing inside, he looked relieved and happy looking at her

"I am Doctor Amar, Mrs. Rani, how are you feeling?" He asked in a soothing voice, after checking her vitals

"Rani is dead!" Was Anjali's reply



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