chapter 9

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"Rani today there is a very important function for me" Raja told her as he was getting ready for office

Anjali nodded

She knew she should let it go but she was still not able to completely forgive him

She didn't know why , but it seems he was not her Raja, the Raja she knew since childhood , now he had become Rajendra sahab

You should be proud of him! Her mind always said , but her heart was not able to agree with it

Anjali was proud of Raja , but she thought he was slowly becoming more and more materialistic and narcissistic.

She slowly felt a thumb wipe her tear , she did not know she was crying

She looked up and Raja was sitting on his haunches looking at her , his eyes had guilt and love

Had she hurt him somehow? But when?

"I love you Rani" he said slowly , and then he put his head on my lap , holding Anjali tightly

"I tell you what let the function go , I promised I'll always keep you happy and you cried because of me ." he said in a low voice"Lets go out today , just you and me "

Anjali was not able to say anything , she knew the function was important

"But Raja Your function is imprtant ! You said"

"Rani it seems You dont understand the meaning of I love you , it means you are most important to me , I love you more than myself , I love you more than any freaking party !" he said fully in offensive manner

She could not help but smile at his cute expression , how was she suppose to stay angry on him or stay offensive .

He straightened up and said then

"Now get up dress, in a saree Rani , we are going on a date" He said in a happy tone

He then quickly went to my cupboard and removed a blue saree

"I think , I have the right to choose, what I want to wear" Anjali said playfully

"I know , and I know what is your choice " he said arrogantly

Then he kissed her forehead and left from there , so she could change

She was happy as her Raja understood that she was very sad about that trip and was now taking her out

Her mind was glaring at her , telling her that she should not judge soo quickly .

She quickly dressed and got ready

When she went out Raja was sitting in hall doing something in his phone, As she came out he Lifted his head to look at her , he was staring

Anjali blushed

"You are staring Raja" she muttered shyly

He came upto her , in long strides and bent down and kissed her lips , cupping her cheeks.

"You look so beautiful Rani what say we do not go and just stay here "  he whispered in her ear

She shook her head and smiled shyly .

He chuckled and held her hand pulling her towards gate

"We better leave before , I make you stay here only !" Anjali laughed

They drove to a restaurant , which Raja said had good food

"So Mrs.Anjali are you happy?" Raja asked me with a fake accent

while she laughed at his antiques and happily nodded my head .

They had just finished their food when his phone rang

he picked up the call.

Whatever the other person was saying was not good as his face tensed


"no issue"

"Ill be there "

"Dont let her go"

She could just hear what Raja was saying , but it seemed something was not right

He cut the phone and looked at her

He looked tensed

"Come Rani I'll drop you home , I have to go to the party the head investor have some problems " he explained

"Ill come with you"

"No , you will distract me , ill drop you home" he said with finalty

They drove home in silence , Rajandra dropped her and drove off , did not even say goodbye

Still Anjali was happy , He is still same her Raja only ,so what if he wants to be successful and rich , who doesnt?

He still loves her and makes time for her , thats what matters , she will talk to him about her career again , she was sure he will understand



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