chapter 29

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Someone was going to die, painfully! She could think of a hundred and one ways to hurt him but she just could not still fathom what was going on in his stupid head. Why was he messing with her?

Anjali had given up, after that scene that replayed in her head at intervals

What did he mean though ?

He had not divorced her?

She was pretty sure it was a very mutual decision and after what he had done what did he think was she going to do

Would she come into his arms running?

"The Billionaire business tycoon Rajendra of AR Group is chasing after his estranged wife, will he be able to woo her back? Stay tuned "

"Mom shut this nonsense! Why are you even watching this" Anjali took the remote angrily from her mother and shut the Television

"Is this true Anjali? Why did you not tell me?"her mom asked looking at her with a ray of hope

Should she tell her mom that she and Rajendra can never be together after all that he did to her, but it will only make her mom sad, afterall she had treated Rajendra as her own son

"It's not true mom and it will never be, some kind of rumor might have popped out from yesterday's event and the media has exaggerated it" Anjali said

"But Raja was going to do an interview exclusive for this on Yolo news"

Did Anjali hear her mother right? Has Rajendra gone mental? He should have just ignored such ridiculous rumors! What is he playing at ? Is he going to clarify the rumors? That would be the sensible thing to do.

May be she should just let him handle such ridiculous situation, being in this business world longer he might know best how to handle this

"Mom he might just be denying these rumors do not let this gossip get to you, they are baseless"

It looked like her mother wanted to say something but did not, good!

All her doubts will be cleared after the interview

She left her home and Lucky was standing there waiting for her, he looked apologetic

"Hi Anjali, I am sorry for my behavior last night, please forgive me?"

Well atleast he had the decency to apologize and looked genuinely sorry unlike someone who only causes her troubles as if he has every right to play with her life

"Its okay Lucky, but don't do it again" she said

"Come I'll drop you to your work place" he offered and Anjali did not refuse which she should have


As soon as Anjali got down from Lucky's car reporters surrounded her

"Mrs.Rajendra please answer our questions"

"Mrs.Rajendra are you just troubling your husband?"

"Mrs.Rajendra what was the reason behind your estrangement?"

"Mrs.Rajendra who have you come with?"

"Mrs.Rajendra did you have an extra marital affair with the guy who has come to drop you"

What in the world was happening? What did she do? Why were they asking her such preposterous questions?

Anjali could not feel anything she was in a state of shock.

"Stop asking such ridiculous questions to my wife" she could feel someone suddenly shielding her from the swarm of people who were crowding her shoving Mike's and camera's in her face

She felt a coat over her head as if that could hide her face

"I have already agreed for the interview haven't I? All your questions will be answered then"

Rajendra was here and he was protecting her like he always did in their childhood, he always pit his coat or hoodie and ones in a very ridiculous situation even his t-shirt over her head to protect her from the ugly sights or difficult situations which she was in or was about to encounter.

She was taken away from the scene and into Rajendra's car

"Rani are you okay? " Rajendra asked one she was seated

He offered her some water and she just shook her head

"What is all this Rajendra? Did you call the press at my Workplace?" She asked him

"Of course not why would I ?" He asked offended

Wait where was Lucky?

"You are the reason of all this Rajendra you have put me through an awkward position! Good that you are going to clarify it to the press, please tell them the truth and end this fiasco! And do you know where Lucky is? Did he leave?"

Anjali was puffed with anger and resentment for Rajendra and just wanted to stay happy in the life which she had built for herself! Or as  happy as one could be given her circumstances

"Yes he left, I made him leave, since you want the press to know the truth accompany me to the interview, I'll be resolving all their doubts there" he said confidently.

Rajendra was always confident, though now he looked gaunt and tried and his arrogant smile which was always on his face, when he made a confident statement, the smile that she had loved.

Good thing he sent Lucky away, poor Lucky he was always caught in difficult situations because of her

Before she knew it she was already being driven to the interview venue of Yolo News



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