chapter 5

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It is 10pm in night when they finally reached mumbai

Anjali was happy as Her Raja had finally proposed to her in the same dreamy way she wanted , And now she was looking at her Raja who was looking very giddy with excitement .

Rajendra was very excited to welcome His Rani in his home 

He lived in a quaint little house , which had two floors

"Wait here Rani , I'll just come" Rajendra said

making Anjali wait at the door, while he went inside too see everything is arranged perfectly for his Rani

He came back and picked Rani up in his arms in bridal style

"What are you doing Raja ?" said Rani while laughing happily

"Carrying you over the threshold my dear wife" Raja said smirking at her

While Rani blushed

He took her to their bedroom , which was decorated beautifully with rose petals , as Raja wanted

Anjali looked all his preparations with joy

"You did all this for me Raja?" she asked happily

"No for neighbour aunty," said Rajendra rolling his eyes "ofcourse for you stupid"

Anjali giggled

Rajendra hugged her from behind tightly

"You know Rani since when i waited for you to come in our house as my wife " he said while kissing her cheeks

"I know Raja even I waited a lot to be with you "

"You lie Rani you did not even wanted to marry me" Rajendra accused

turning her around to face him

"No Raja , i just wanted to become something first , but i always wanted to marry you " she said sweetly , while kissing his cheek

"You are my wish Rani , my very own blessing" He said while he kissed her lips

Anjali put her arms around his neck , while he pulled her more close to him , and started kissing her more passionately

"Raja i am nervous , I never did it before " 

"I know , Rani , I promise i wont hurt you " Rajendra said while kissing her

He kissed her neck , then her breast valley , after removing her saree

He carried her to the bed , and laid her down gently , He kissed her belly , and bit it a little

"ouch! Raja!" Anjali shouted a little

"sorry" he said and kissed it to soothe her

he kissed her lips again

and then slowly entered her

Anjali could not control her tears because of the pain

"I am sorry Rani , I promise this is the last time , you will get pain because of me" Rajendra promised while he kissed her cheeks and lips again and again to soothe her

He finally made love to her , that night

The next morning Anjali woke up , with a smile on her face

She saw Rajendra lying beside her on his back

she leaned and kissed his forehead , and combed his hair back lovingly

she got up then and freshened up

And then went to kitchen to make some breakfast for her Raja

While she was preparing breakfast , two arms sneaked around her waist , and she got butterfly kisses on her back

"Stop distracting me Raja" Anjali scolded playfully while Rajendra just chuckled

"Ahh Rani you are soo beautiful, what to do" he said still kissing her back

"The breakfast will burn Raja"

"It has already , look" Rajendra said pointing at the now burned Omlete

"Ahh ! look what you did , now what will you eat ?" Anjali said

"You!" Rajendra said with a smirk

while he again carried a blushing Anjali in his arms to their bedroom



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