Hey Y'all

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So, it's been a little bit. I'm sorry, I've had a bunch going on in my personal life. But, just so y'all know, if you enjoy my story and all, I just published another story. It's a longer one, and it's definitely ongoing, but I had inspiration and I thought instead of just writing everything and trying to publish it, I'd let you guys read it first! I wanna hear your feedback on it and I wanna know what y'all think of it!

So just like, go check it out and tell me if you like it or not, comment or whatever you think best. I think it's good!

It's been a while since I've written so I may or may not be a TINY bit rusty but I've been doing my research and trying my hardest to get better at it since I wrote this book.

It is NOT an anime book, it takes place in the real world with real people and everything but I did NOT write any of the characters based off of real people and if there is anything similar with anyone in real life, then I didn't intend for that to happen and I'm sorry if it did.

Anyways, this book is not like my other previous work so I'm sorry if y'all don't like it. Please, if you could give it a chance, I would greatly appreciate it, and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Again, it is still a major work in progress so if there is anything I can do to change it, then leave a comment and I'll do whatever I can to make the book the best it can be!



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