I hate the snow...

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   So I took a picture of my front yard and driveway.... and this is what I see...
   A whole bunch of snow is staring back at me. I have always hated snow and now we get more, right before my birthday too. Anyone who lives in Wisconsin, Minnesota and any other states like those two know what it is like to see snow.
   But for anyone that lives in those warm states like Florida, then this is what snow is like. It falls in many different sizes. It can fall in big chunks or small chunks.
   It can be sticky or soft. Today, it was sticky. My brothers and Ma were out and having a snowball fight. I couldn't join in because I don't have the right boots for it.

And here we are, adding more snow onto the ground

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And here we are, adding more snow onto the ground. I just want winter to be over and for summer to be here so I can get a nice tan. I've been looking a bit pale for a few months without the sunshine on my skin.
   Well, I hope that everyone had a good weekend because I sure did. I went to my first formal dance and had a bunch of fun with my friends dancing and just hanging out. 
   Well, I've got to go. Peace out everyone and may the force be with you!!!


P.S. If anyone ask, my friend ran over my cow while she was down in Mexico.

P.P.S. That is not true, it is just an inside joke between me and my friend.

Later everyone!!!!

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