Dancing in the rain

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I awoke to the sound of thunder and rain hitting my window.
I smiled at the thought of running around in the rain like I did when I was young.
  I got up out of bed and put a grey tank top and some shorts before running outside.
  I was barefoot and the mud squished between my toes, tickling me.
  I laughed at the thought of when me and my grandparents danced in the rain with my parents looking over us from the porch.
I looked up at the darkens sky since it was only three a.m, but it still looked beautiful.
I blinked the rain from my eyes, but some of them may have been tears from my thoughts.
My parents changes after my grandparents died.
They never laughed or smiled, they never really did anything beside argue with each other or doing work.
I practically grew up alone after that day.
I just smiled up at the crying sky and locked all of those thoughts away in a little box with chains surrounding it and letting it sink to the bottom of the ocean.
I heard the back door open behind me.
I looked at who walked out and say all ten of the brothers looking at me like I was a mental asylum escapee and Yui just smiled at me before she to ran into the rain.
"Isabella, what are you doing out here in the rain?" She yelled to be heard over the thunder.
I just took her hand, smiled at her and then ran the opposite way of the house.
I could hear the shots of the brothers behind us tell us to come back, but at that moment, I didn't care.
I turned to see all the brother running after us and I had the best idea that might get me killed.
I stopped, let go of Yui's hand and picked up some mud.
Anger Management was the first to reach us.
He walked up to me with rain dripping off his white hair into his eyes.
I just smiled at him before I flung the dirt on his face.
Yui fell to the ground holding her stomach from laughing so hard, along with Tomato Head and Pervert.
  Anger Management just stood there with a shocked and angry look on his face while mud dropped off and fell back down to the ground.
  After that, we all stayed out and had a huge mud fight until the sun came up.
  Everyone of us was soaking wet and had mud everywhere on our body.
I looked at everyone and thought to myself "this is where I belong."
I felt my eyes fill with tears at the thought of ever leaving all of them behind.
  I've always been by myself at me old world and I've never had this much fun with any of my friends before.
  Yui walked up to me with a smile on her face until she caught sight of my tears.
  "Isabella, what's wrong?" She asked as she can to stand in front of me, rain still pouring down from the sky.
  Everyone stopped throwing mud and looked at us.
  All ten brothers walked towards me and did something unexpected.
  They all hugged with me and Yui in the middle of them.
  Ayato was pushed up against my back with his arms around my neck and Shu had his arms around my waist.
  I smiled at all of them and thought "I can't leave them, their all my family now."
  We all went back to the mansion after that and took showers (or a bath for me) and all of us went back to bed. 
  "If they do care for me, will I have a choice to stay with them, or will I have to leave them." I thought as I fell into a deep sleep.

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