You could be so much sweeter

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Kanto and I were in the kitchen baking a chocolate cake with fudge frosting, a recipe that I had gotten from my grandmother.
  I was stirring the frosting while Kanto was baking the cake.
  The only reason that we were baking a cake is because Kanto said that he would kill me if I didn't, so here we are.
The timer for the cake went off, so I walked over and took it out.
I brought it over to the frosting that I had just mixed and started to spread it over the top.
I could feel breath on my neck and I knew that it was Kanto.
"Can you not breath on my neck?" I snapped at him.
A hand rapped around my neck and slammed me into the wall next to the counter.
"You are in no position to question me and my decisions!" He yelled with spit flying on my face.
Kanto had always been a little bit... Bipolar, but everyone dealt with it, but not me, not this time.
The only reason that he is like this is because he never had love from a parent when he was little. I mean, he killed his own mother for it.
I wiped some frosting on his nose and laughed as he glared at me with a pout.
I took my pointer finger and wiped it off, then ate it.
"You should try my home made fudge frosting, it is delicious." I said to him as I held out a spoon full of the frosting to his face.
I knew he couldn't resist the urge to taste the frosting and seconds later, the spoon disappeared from my hand and was in his mouth.
"It's definitely delicious!" He exclaimed.
"You never were loved, were you?" I asked quietly.
He snapped his head up to look at me. He had tears in his eyes that made the purple brighter.
He snuffled and turned away.
"You don't know anything about my life, so don't talk as if you do." He said with his back turned towards me.
I put my hand on his shoulder and turned him around to face me.
Tears were running down his face and it broke my heart. He may be a sadistic vampire and bipolar, but he still felt.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his head onto my shoulder.
His arms slithered around my waist and tightened.
Tears damped my shirt and Kanto was shaking with each sob.
"Thank you for caring, Isabella." He whispered into my ear, his breath tickling my ear.
"You're almost as sweet at this frosting, if not even sweeter and I can't see how your mother treat you like that." I whispered back before I let go of him and went back to the cake.
  We finished the cake and it was gone by the end of the night.
  Everyone had tried some and said that it was good.
  Kanto had attached himself to me and wouldn't go anywhere I wasn't. He slept in my bed that night and asked me to sing to him.
  (Play video)
  Kanto was fast asleep after I finished the song, and he had a few tears trailing down his face.
  I just wiped the tears away with my thumb and rested his head on my shoulder before I drifted off to sleep.
  (Third person)
  Kanto was pretending to sleep as tears trailed down his cheeks.
  He never knew Isabella felt that way and now, he felt awful for the way he and the rest of the brothers treated her.
  So Kanto just held onto her tighter and drifted off to sleep along with Isabella.

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