Saying goodbye is never easy

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   Rebecca and I were suspended in water. The top was the world the one I had come to love and the bottom, the one I had so many bad memories from.
   "Please Rebecca, I don't want to go back. Please!" I yelled at her as I grabbed onto her arms.
   She looked at me and sighed. She grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes.
  "If you stay here, no one from the real world will remember you, but if you leave, no one will remember you from this world."
   "I want to stay, there are too many bad memories from the real world." I said with tears running down my face.
   Rebecca nodded and let go off my arms. I started to float in the direction of the world that I wanted to stay in.
   "Just promise me that I will still see you!" I yelled to her. She nodded her head and waved to me.
   I smiled at her and everything went black.

   I woke to find all of the brothers and Yui staring at me. I was laying on the grass and I was soaked to the bone.
   The wind was pushing the leaves and all I could hear was the breathing of the people surrounding me.
   "Well, are you all going to stand there staring at me or are you going to help me up?" I snapped at them.
   Shu and Kanto came and grabbed my arms and pulled me up, but not five seconds on my feet did I feel arms wrap around me.
   I looked down to see Kanto wrapped around me like a pretzel. I pet his hair and looked up at the others with a face that screamed "HELP ME!"
   They all chuckled and started to walk away, leaving me standing with soaking wet clothes and Kanto wrapped around me.
   I gave them all the bird and tried to pry Kanto off me, but with no such luck.
   "Kanto, please, I want to go inside, I'm freezing out here." I said to him. He looked up at me and smiled before he let go of me and wrapped his hand around me hand.
   His hand was warm instead of its usual coldness, and I liked that. He also looked a lot better from before, no bags under his eyes and he looked happy.
   When we finally got to the house, Shu helped to get Kanto off of me, but it took all of them to hold him down. The only way to get dry clothes on was to tell him that I would be right back.
   He calmed down enough for me to go get some black pants with white polka dots and a black sweater before I heard yelling downstairs and glass breaking.
   I rolled my eyes and got downstairs to see all hell had broken loose. All the furniture was everywhere and butler mans tea set was broken.
   Everyone was hiding behind an over turned couch while Kanto had a temper tantrum. He was breathing heavily and had a vase in his hand.
   I walked up to him very slowly and took the vase out of his hand. When he saw it was me, he calmed down and latched onto me again.
   He was crying and I knew that he would fall asleep soon so I looked over to Ayato. He nodded his head and came to pick Kanto up.
   At first, he struggled but after I calmed him down and held his hand, he let himself be carried. 
   He was laid out onto my bed and I laid down next to him. He put his head on my chest, right above my heart and fell into a deep sleep.
   I stroked his soft hair and started to sing.
(Play song)
   After I sang, I fell into a deep sleep with the sound of Kanto's breathing.
(? POV)
   She was so beautiful. Her blue hair and dark clothes. I knew that she had to be mine. But those stupid brothers were always near her. I needed to get her alone.
   I smiled as I watched her and the purple haired boy sleep away the sorrows.
   "I hope you enjoy this time, because this will be the last time you and the brothers will see each other ever again." I thought as I jumped from the window and fell to the ground.

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