What book you reading?

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  I was going to the library after I put Azusa to bed because I decided to read some more.
  When I reached the library, the door was closed, which was odd because it was always open when I got there.
  I opened the door slowly, there was a creaking from the door, which made me cringe.
  I poked my head around the door and saw Ruki sitting down on one of the chairs near the window with the moonlight shining down on his dark hair, making a halo around his head.
  In his hand was a fairly large book, and he seemed to be reading it. He looked up and my light blue eyes meet his grey eyes.
He closed his book and stood up. A second later, he was standing in front of me.
He grabbed my neck and raised my body up from the floor. I grabbed onto his hand with both of mine and looked him in the eyes.
  "Why are you in here, Prey?" He asked as he looked me over with a disgusting look.
  "I came here to read, you douche." I gritted out as I looked at him.
  "Hamm, I didn't really take you for the reading type." He said with smirk on his face while he let me drop to the floor.
I held my neck as I got up off the floor. I walked over to my usual spot to read, which happened to be the window sill with a few blankets and a couple pillows.
I grabbed a book from the bookshelf and sat down. The book I had grabbed was "The 5th Wave" by Rick Yancy.
  I had already read the book, but I still loved to read it again and again, I just never get tired of it.
  I opened the book to the first page and started to read along with Ruki, who was reading a book with poems in it.
  I lost track of the time and felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Ruki standing over me with his piercing grey eyes.
  "Come on, it's time for dinner and you know that Reiji will have a hissy fit if we are late." He said with a slight chuckle.
  We walked down the hall to the dinning room together.
  "Can I ask you something?" I asked him as we walked. He looked at me, then sighed and made a hand gesture for me to proceed.
  "What book were you reading?" He looked at me and laughed.
  "I'm read a history book about Vlad the Impaler."
  "Oh, and who is Vlad the Impaler?" I asked him.
  "He asked my father, Karl Hienz, to make him into a vampire, but my father told him he wouldn't."
  I looked at him with shock. "Why would anyone want to be turned into a vampire?" I thought as he kept talking.
  "Vlad turned angry and stormed out. He told everyone that he was a vampire and spread all the rumors about crosses and garlic. He was a pathetic excuse of a human being." Ruki said as we finally made it to the dinning room door.
  I turned to Ruki, put my hand on his shoulder and smiled at him.
  "Well, if you have the time, I would love to hear more about Vlad." I said as I walked to sit between Shuu and Yui.
  I could feel Ruki's eyes on me as he sat down at the opposite end of the table as Reiji.
  All of us ate, except Shuu, then we all went to our separate rooms.
  Unknown to you, again, Ruki was in his room, think of what you said and smiled.

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